Displaying 41 – 60 of 366

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The boundary absolute continuity of quasiconformal mappings (II).

Juha Heinonen (1996)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

In this paper a quite complete picture is given of the absolute continuity on the boundary of a quasiconformal map B3 → D, where B3 is the unit 3-ball and D is a Jordan domain in R3 with boundary 2-rectifiable in the sense of geometric measure theory. Moreover, examples are constructed, for each n ≥ 3, showing that quasiconformal maps from the unit n-ball onto Jordan domains with boundary (n - 1)-rectifiable need not have absolutely continuous boundary values.

The box-counting dimension for geometrically finite Kleinian groups

B. Stratmann, Mariusz Urbański (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We calculate the box-counting dimension of the limit set of a general geometrically finite Kleinian group. Using the 'global measure formula' for the Patterson measure and using an estimate on the horoball counting function we show that the Hausdorff dimension of the limit set is equal to both: the box-counting dimension and packing dimension of the limit set. Thus, by a result of Sullivan, we conclude that for a geometrically finite group these three different types of dimension coincide with the...

The Carathéodory topology for multiply connected domains I

Mark Comerford (2013)

Open Mathematics

We consider the convergence of pointed multiply connected domains in the Carathéodory topology. Behaviour in the limit is largely determined by the properties of the simple closed hyperbolic geodesics which separate components of the complement. Of particular importance are those whose hyperbolic length is as short as possible which we call meridians of the domain. We prove continuity results on convergence of such geodesics for sequences of pointed hyperbolic domains which converge in the Carathéodory...

The Carathéodory topology for multiply connected domains II

Mark Comerford (2014)

Open Mathematics

We continue our exposition concerning the Carathéodory topology for multiply connected domains which we began in [Comerford M., The Carathéodory topology for multiply connected domains I, Cent. Eur. J. Math., 2013, 11(2), 322–340] by introducing the notion of boundedness for a family of pointed domains of the same connectivity. The limit of a convergent sequence of n-connected domains which is bounded in this sense is again n-connected and will satisfy the same bounds. We prove a result which establishes...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 366