Berichtigung zu "Zur Theorie der eindeutigen analytischen Functionen".
We use a Poincaré type formula and level set analysis to detect one-dimensional symmetry of stable solutions of possibly degenerate or singular elliptic equations of the formOur setting is very general and, as particular cases, we obtain new proofs of a conjecture of De Giorgi for phase transitions in and and of the Bernstein problem on the flatness of minimal area graphs in . A one-dimensional symmetry result in the half-space is also obtained as a byproduct of our analysis. Our approach...
One of the classical Bernstein inequalities compares the maxima of a polynomial of a given degree on the interval [-1,1] and on the ellipse in the complex plane with the focuses -1, 1 and the semiaxes . We prove a similar inequality for a branch of an algebraic function of a given degree on the maximal disk of its regularity, with the explicitly given constant, depending on the degree only. In particular, this improves a recent inequality of Fefferman and Narasimhan and answers one of their questions....
For every metric space (X, d) and origin o ∈ X, we show the inequality I o(x, y) ≤ 2d o(x, y), where I o(x, y) = d(x, y)/d(x, o)d(y, o) is the metric space inversion semimetric, d o is a metric subordinate to I o, and x, y ∈ X o The constant 2 is best possible.
Sea Xp una superficie de Klein compacta con borde de gen algebraico p ≥ 2. Se sabe que si G es un grupo de automorfismos de Xp entonces |G| ≤ 12(p- 1). Se dice que G es un grupo grande de gen p si |G| > 4(p -1). En el presente artículo se halla una familia de enteros p para los que el único grupo grande de gen p son los grupos diédricos. Esto significa que, en términos del gen real introducido por C. L. May, para tales valores de p no existen grupos grandes de gen real p.