Complex geometry of the universal Teichmüller space.
In this paper, we investigate the relationship between small functions and differential polynomials , where , , are entire functions that are not all equal to zero with
We characterize stability under composition of ultradifferentiable classes defined by weight sequences M, by weight functions ω, and, more generally, by weight matrices , and investigate continuity of composition (g,f) ↦ f ∘ g. In addition, we represent the Beurling space and the Roumieu space as intersection and union of spaces and for associated weight sequences, respectively.
Let Ω,Ω’ ⊂ ℝⁿ be domains and let f: Ω → Ω’ be a homeomorphism. We show that if the composition operator maps the Sobolev-Lorentz space to for some q ≠ n then f must be a locally bilipschitz mapping.
In this work, we begin with a survey of composition operators on the Hardy space H² and on the Wiener algebra A⁺ of absolutely convergent Taylor series, with special emphasis on their compactness, or invertibility, or isometric character. The main results are due respectively to J. Shapiro and D.~Newman. In a second part, we present more recent results, due to Gordon and Hedenmalm on the one hand, and to Bayart, the author et al. on the other hand, concerning the analogues of H² and A⁺ in the setting...
Let ,B and Qβ be the weighted Nevanlinna space, the Bloch space and the Q space, respectively. Note that B and are Möbius invariant, but is not. We characterize, in function-theoretic terms, when the composition operator induced by an analytic self-map ϕ of the unit disk defines an operator , , which is bounded resp. compact.
Let Ω ⊂ ℝn be an open set and X(Ω) be any rearrangement invariant function space close to L q(Ω), i.e. X has the q-scaling property. We prove that each homeomorphism f which induces the composition operator u ↦ u ℴ f from W 1 X to W 1 X is necessarily a q-quasiconformal mapping. We also give some new results for the sufficiency of this condition for the composition operator.