Displaying 261 – 280 of 480

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Stratified Whitney jets and tempered ultradistributions on the subanalytic site

N. Honda, G. Morando (2011)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

In this paper we introduce the sheaf of stratified Whitney jets of Gevrey order on the subanalytic site relative to a real analytic manifold X . Then, we define stratified ultradistributions of Beurling and Roumieu type on X . In the end, by means of stratified ultradistributions, we define tempered-stratified ultradistributions and we prove two results. First, if X is a real surface, the tempered-stratified ultradistributions define a sheaf on the subanalytic site relative to X . Second, the tempered-stratified...

Stratonovich-Weyl correspondence for discrete series representations

Benjamin Cahen (2011)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let M = G / K be a Hermitian symmetric space of the noncompact type and let π be a discrete series representation of G holomorphically induced from a unitary character of K . Following an idea of Figueroa, Gracia-Bondìa and Vàrilly, we construct a Stratonovich-Weyl correspondence for the triple ( G , π , M ) by a suitable modification of the Berezin calculus on M . We extend the corresponding Berezin transform to a class of functions on M which contains the Berezin symbol of d π ( X ) for X in the Lie algebra 𝔤 of G . This allows...

Strengthened Moser’s conjecture, geometry of Grunsky coefficients and Fredholm eigenvalues

Samuel Krushkal (2007)

Open Mathematics

The Grunsky and Teichmüller norms ϰ(f) and k(f) of a holomorphic univalent function f in a finitely connected domain D ∋ ∞ with quasiconformal extension to ^ are related by ϰ(f) ≤ k(f). In 1985, Jürgen Moser conjectured that any univalent function in the disk Δ* = z: |z| > 1 can be approximated locally uniformly by functions with ϰ(f) < k(f). This conjecture has been recently proved by R. Kühnau and the author. In this paper, we prove that approximation is possible in a stronger sense, namely,...

Strict plurisubharmonicity of Bergman kernels on generalized annuli

Yanyan Wang (2014)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let A ζ = Ω - ρ ( ζ ) · Ω ¯ be a family of generalized annuli over a domain U. We show that the logarithm of the Bergman kernel K ζ ( z ) of A ζ is plurisubharmonic provided ρ ∈ PSH(U). It is remarkable that A ζ is non-pseudoconvex when the dimension of A ζ is larger than one. For standard annuli in ℂ, we obtain an interesting formula for ² l o g K ζ / ζ ζ ̅ , as well as its boundary behavior.

Strict uniformization of real algebraic curves and global real analytic coordinates on real Teichmüller spaces.

J. Huisman (1999)

Revista Matemática Complutense

We construct a global system of real analytic coordinates on the real Teichmüller space of a compact real algebraic curve X, using so-called strict uniformization of the real algebraic curve X. A global coordinate system is then obtained via real quasiconformal deformations of the Kleinian subgroup of PGL2(R) obtained as a group of covering transformations of a strict uniformization of X.

Strong bifurcation loci of full Hausdorff dimension

Thomas Gauthier (2012)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

In the moduli space d of degree  d rational maps, the bifurcation locus is the support of a closed ( 1 , 1 ) positive current T bif which is called the bifurcation current. This current gives rise to a measure μ bif : = ( T bif ) 2 d - 2 whose support is the seat of strong bifurcations. Our main result says that supp ( μ bif ) has maximal Hausdorff dimension 2 ( 2 d - 2 ) . As a consequence, the set of degree  d rational maps having ( 2 d - 2 ) distinct neutral cycles is dense in a set of full Hausdorff dimension.

Strong boundary values : independence of the defining function and spaces of test functions

Jean-Pierre Rosay, Edgar Lee Stout (2002)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

The notion of “strong boundary values” was introduced by the authors in the local theory of hyperfunction boundary values (boundary values of functions with unrestricted growth, not necessarily solutions of a PDE). In this paper two points are clarified, at least in the global setting (compact boundaries): independence with respect to the defining function that defines the boundary, and the spaces of test functions to be used. The proofs rely crucially on simple results in spectral asymptotics.

Currently displaying 261 – 280 of 480