Displaying 81 – 100 of 406

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Classes de Nevanlinna sur une intersection d'ouverts strictement pseudoconvexes.

Chantal Menini (1995)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

On a finite intersection of strictly pseudoconvex domains we define two kinds of natural Nevanlinna classes in order to take the growth of the functions near the sides or the edges into account. We give a sufficient Blaschke type condition on an analytic set for being the zero set of a function in a given Nevanlinna class. On the other hand we show that the usual Blaschke condition is not necessary here.

Classical Poincaré metric pulled back off singularities using a Chow-type theorem and desingularization

Caroline Grant Melles, Pierre Milman (2006)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

We construct complete Kähler metrics on the nonsingular set of a subvariety X of a compact Kähler manifold. To that end, we develop (i) a constructive method for replacing a sequence of blow-ups along smooth centers, with a single blow-up along a product of coherent ideals corresponding to the centers and (ii) an explicit local formula for a Chern form associated to this ‘singular’ blow-up. Our metrics have a particularly simple local formula of a sum of the original metric and of the pull back...

Classification analytique de structures de Poisson

Philipp Lohrmann (2009)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Notre étude porte sur une catégorie de structures de Poisson singulières holomorphes au voisinage de 0 n et admettant une forme normale formelle polynomiale i.e. un nombre fini d’invariants formels. Les séries normalisantes sont divergentes en général. On montre l’existence de transformations normalisantes holomorphes sur des domaines sectoriels de la forme a < arg x R < b , où x R est un monôme associé au problème. Il suit une classification analytique.

Classification des formes de Seifert rationnelles des germes de courbe plane

Philippe Du Bois, Ollivier Hunault (1996)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Nous donnons une description explicite de la forme de Seifert rationnelle associée à un germe de courbe plane, à isomorphisme près ou à Witt-équivalences près, en termes d’un ensemble complet d’invariants déterminé à partir du type topologique du germe. Ces invariants sont liés à la classification des formes hermitiennes sur les extensions cyclotomiques de et à celle des formes quadratiques sur .En application, nous trouvons des nœuds algébriques cobordants et non isotopes dont la monodromie...

Classification of initial data for the Riccati equation

N. Chernyavskaya, L. Shuster (2002)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

We consider a Cauchy problem y x + y 2 x = q x , y x x = x 0 = y 0 where x 0 , y 0 R and q x L 1 loc R is a non-negative function satisfying the condition: - x q t d t > 0 , x q t d t > 0  for  x R . We obtain the conditions under which y x can be continued to all of R . This depends on x 0 , y 0 and the properties of q x .

Classification of Nash manifolds

Masahiro Shiota (1983)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

A semi-algebraic analytic manifold and a semi-algebraic analytic map are called a Nash manifold and a Nash map respectively. We clarify the category of Nash manifolds and Nash maps.

Classification of singular germs of mappings and deformations of compact surfaces of class VII₀

Georges Dloussky, Franz Kohler (1998)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We classify generic germs of contracting holomorphic mappings which factorize through blowing-ups, under the relation of conjugation by invertible germs of mappings. As for Hopf surfaces, this is the key to the study of compact complex surfaces with b 1 = 1 and b > 0 which contain a global spherical shell. We study automorphisms and deformations and we show that these generic surfaces are endowed with a holomorphic foliation which is unique and stable under any deformation.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 406