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Good-irreducible inner functions on a polydisc

Eric T. Sawyer (1979)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

An explicit formula is developed for Nevanlinna class functions whose behaviour at the boundary is “sufficiently rational” and is then used to deduce the uniqueness of the factorization of such inner functions. A generalization of a theorem of Frostman is given and the above results are then applied to the construction of good and/or irreducible inner functions on a polydisc.

Graphs with multiple sheeted pluripolar hulls

Evgeny Poletsky, Jan Wiegerinck (2006)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We study the pluripolar hulls of analytic sets. In particular, we show that hulls of graphs of analytic functions can be multiple sheeted and sheets can be separated by a set of zero dimension.

Grauert's line bundle convexity, reduction and Riemann domains

Viorel Vâjâitu (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We consider a convexity notion for complex spaces X with respect to a holomorphic line bundle L over X . This definition has been introduced by Grauert and, when L is analytically trivial, we recover the standard holomorphic convexity. In this circle of ideas, we prove the counterpart of the classical Remmert’s reduction result for holomorphically convex spaces. In the same vein, we show that if H 0 ( X , L ) separates each point of X , then X can be realized as a Riemann domain over the complex projective space...

Grauert's theorem for subanalytic open sets in real analytic manifolds

Daniel Barlet, Teresa Monteiro Fernandes (2011)

Studia Mathematica

By an open neighbourhood in ℂⁿ of an open subset Ω of ℝⁿ we mean an open subset Ω' of ℂⁿ such that ℝⁿ ∩ Ω' = Ω. A well known result of H. Grauert implies that any open subset of ℝⁿ admits a fundamental system of Stein open neighbourhoods in ℂⁿ. Another way to state this property is to say that each open subset of ℝⁿ is Stein. We shall prove a similar result in the subanalytic category: every subanalytic open subset in a paracompact real analytic manifold M admits a fundamental system of subanalytic...

Green functions, Segre numbers, and King’s formula

Mats Andersson, Elizabeth Wulcan (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let 𝒥 be a coherent ideal sheaf on a complex manifold X with zero set Z , and let G be a plurisubharmonic function such that G = log | f | + 𝒪 ( 1 ) locally at Z , where f is a tuple of holomorphic functions that defines 𝒥 . We give a meaning to the Monge-Ampère products ( d d c G ) k for k = 0 , 1 , 2 , ... , and prove that the Lelong numbers of the currents M k 𝒥 : = 1 Z ( d d c G ) k at x coincide with the so-called Segre numbers of J at x , introduced independently by Tworzewski, Gaffney-Gassler, and Achilles-Manaresi. More generally, we show that M k 𝒥 satisfy a certain generalization...

Gröbner δ-bases and Gröbner bases for differential operators

Francisco J. Castro-Jiménez, M. Angeles Moreno-Frías (2002)

Banach Center Publications

This paper deals with the notion of Gröbner δ-base for some rings of linear differential operators by adapting the works of W. Trinks, A. Assi, M. Insa and F. Pauer. We compare this notion with the one of Gröbner base for such rings. As an application we give some results on finiteness and on flatness of finitely generated left modules over these rings.

Gromov–Witten invariants for mirror orbifolds of simple elliptic singularities

Ikuo Satake, Atsushi Takahashi (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We consider a mirror symmetry of simple elliptic singularities. In particular, we construct isomorphisms of Frobenius manifolds among the one from the Gromov–Witten theory of a weighted projective line, the one from the theory of primitive forms for a universal unfolding of a simple elliptic singularity and the one from the invariant theory for an elliptic Weyl group. As a consequence, we give a geometric interpretation of the Fourier coefficients of an eta product considered by K. Saito.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 105