Displaying 641 – 660 of 872

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Convergence and regularization results for optimal control problems with sparsity functional

Gerd Wachsmuth, Daniel Wachsmuth (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Optimization problems with convex but non-smooth cost functional subject to an elliptic partial differential equation are considered. The non-smoothness arises from a L1-norm in the objective functional. The problem is regularized to permit the use of the semi-smooth Newton method. Error estimates with respect to the regularization parameter are provided. Moreover, finite element approximations are studied. A-priori as well as a-posteriori error estimates are developed and confirmed by numerical...

Convergence and regularization results for optimal control problems with sparsity functional

Gerd Wachsmuth, Daniel Wachsmuth (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Optimization problems with convex but non-smooth cost functional subject to an elliptic partial differential equation are considered. The non-smoothness arises from a L1-norm in the objective functional. The problem is regularized to permit the use of the semi-smooth Newton method. Error estimates with respect to the regularization parameter are provided. Moreover, finite element approximations are studied. A-priori as well as a-posteriori error estimates are developed and confirmed by numerical...

Convergence de la métrique de Fubini-Study d'un fibré linéaire positif

Thierry Bouche (1990)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soit E , un fibré linéaire positif au-dessus d’une variété complexe compacte. Nous montrons que la fonction de distorsion définie par le rapport entre la métrique initiale et la métrique de Fubini-Study de E k admet un équivalent lorsque k tend vers l’infini. Ceci améliore les encadrements de Kempf et Ji sur les variétés abéliennes, et les étend à toute variété projective. La démonstration repose sur le calcul d’un équivalent pour le noyau de la chaleur, avec contrôle de la convergence par rapport...

Convergence estimate for second order Cauchy problems with a small parameter

Branko Najman (1998)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We consider the second order initial value problem in a Hilbert space, which is a singular perturbation of a first order initial value problem. The difference of the solution and its singular limit is estimated in terms of the small parameter ε . The coefficients are commuting self-adjoint operators and the estimates hold also for the semilinear problem.

Convergence of a fully discrete finite element method for a degenerate parabolic system modelling nematic liquid crystals with variable degree of orientation

John W. Barrett, Xiaobing Feng, Andreas Prohl (2006)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We consider a degenerate parabolic system which models the evolution of nematic liquid crystal with variable degree of orientation. The system is a slight modification to that proposed in [Calderer et al., SIAM J. Math. Anal.33 (2002) 1033–1047], which is a special case of Ericksen's general continuum model in [Ericksen, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal.113 (1991) 97–120]. We prove the global existence of weak solutions by passing to the limit in a regularized system. Moreover, we propose a practical...

Convergence of a Lagrange-Galerkin method for a fluid-rigid body system in ALE formulation

Guillaume Legendre, Takéo Takahashi (2008)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We propose a numerical scheme to compute the motion of a two-dimensional rigid body in a viscous fluid. Our method combines the method of characteristics with a finite element approximation to solve an ALE formulation of the problem. We derive error estimates implying the convergence of the scheme.

Currently displaying 641 – 660 of 872