Displaying 661 – 680 of 872

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Convergence of a method for solving the magnetostatic field in nonlinear media

Jozef Kačur, Jindřich Nečas, Josef Polák, Jiří Souček (1968)

Aplikace matematiky

For solving the boundary-value problem for potential of a stationary magnetic field in two dimensions in ferromagnetics it is possible to use a linearization based on the succesive approximations. In this paper the convergence of this method is proved under some conditions.

Convergence of a non-local eikonal equation to anisotropic mean curvature motion. Application to dislocations dynamics

Francesca Da Lio, N. Forcadel, Régis Monneau (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We prove the convergence at a large scale of a non-local first order equation to an anisotropic mean curvature motion. The equation is an eikonal-type equation with a velocity depending in a non-local way on the solution itself, which arises in the theory of dislocation dynamics. We show that if an anisotropic mean curvature motion is approximated by equations of this type then it is always of variational type, whereas the converse is true only in dimension two.

Convergence of a numerical scheme for a nonlinear oblique derivative boundary value problem

Florian Mehats (2002)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We present here a discretization of a nonlinear oblique derivative boundary value problem for the heat equation in dimension two. This finite difference scheme takes advantages of the structure of the boundary condition, which can be reinterpreted as a Burgers equation in the space variables. This enables to obtain an energy estimate and to prove the convergence of the scheme. We also provide some numerical simulations of this problem and a numerical study of the stability of the scheme, which appears...

Convergence of a numerical scheme for a nonlinear oblique derivative boundary value problem

Florian Mehats (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We present here a discretization of a nonlinear oblique derivative boundary value problem for the heat equation in dimension two. This finite difference scheme takes advantages of the structure of the boundary condition, which can be reinterpreted as a Burgers equation in the space variables. This enables to obtain an energy estimate and to prove the convergence of the scheme. We also provide some numerical simulations of this problem and a numerical study of the stability of the scheme, which appears...

Convergence of a two-grid algorithm for the control of the wave equation

Liviu Ignat, Enrique Zuazua (2009)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We analyze the problem of boundary observability of the finite-difference space semidiscretizations of the 2-d wave equation in the square. We prove the uniform (with respect to the meshsize) boundary observability for the solutions obtained by the two-grid preconditioner introduced by Glowinski [9]. Our method uses previously known uniform observability inequalities for low frequency solutions and a dyadic spectral time decomposition. As a consequence we prove the convergence of the two-grid algorithm...

Convergence of a variational lagrangian scheme for a nonlinear drift diffusion equation

Daniel Matthes, Horst Osberger (2014)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We study a Lagrangian numerical scheme for solution of a nonlinear drift diffusion equation on an interval. The discretization is based on the equation’s gradient flow structure with respect to the Wasserstein distance. The scheme inherits various properties from the continuous flow, like entropy monotonicity, mass preservation, metric contraction and minimum/ maximum principles. As the main result, we give a proof of convergence in the limit of vanishing mesh size under a CFL-type condition. We...

Convergence of an equilibrium finite element model for plane elastostatics

Ivan Hlaváček (1979)

Aplikace matematiky

An equilibrium triangular block-element, proposed by Watwood and Hartz, is subjected to an analysis and its approximability property is proved. If the solution is regular enough, a quasi-optimal error estimate follows for the dual approximation to the mixed boundary value problem of elasticity (based on Castigliano's principle). The convergence is proved even in a general case, when the solution is not regular.

Convergence of approximation methods for eigenvalue problem for two forms

Teresa Regińska (1984)

Aplikace matematiky

The paper concerns an approximation of an eigenvalue problem for two forms on a Hilbert space X . We investigate some approximation methods generated by sequences of forms a n and b n defined on a dense subspace of X . The proof of convergence of the methods is based on the theory of the external approximation of eigenvalue problems. The general results are applied to Aronszajn’s method.

Convergence of Cell Based Finite Volume Discretizations for Problems of Control in the Conduction Coefficients

Anton Evgrafov, Misha Marie Gregersen, Mads Peter Sørensen (2011)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We present a convergence analysis of a cell-based finite volume (FV) discretization scheme applied to a problem of control in the coefficients of a generalized Laplace equation modelling, for example, a steady state heat conduction. Such problems arise in applications dealing with geometric optimal design, in particular shape and topology optimization, and are most often solved numerically utilizing a finite element approach. Within the FV framework for control in the coefficients problems ...

Convergence of Cell Based Finite Volume Discretizations for Problems of Control in the Conduction Coefficients

Anton Evgrafov, Misha Marie Gregersen, Mads Peter Sørensen (2011)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We present a convergence analysis of a cell-based finite volume (FV) discretization scheme applied to a problem of control in the coefficients of a generalized Laplace equation modelling, for example, a steady state heat conduction. Such problems arise in applications dealing with geometric optimal design, in particular shape and topology optimization, and are most often solved numerically utilizing a finite element approach. Within the FV framework for control in the coefficients problems ...

Convergence of discretization procedures for problems whose entropy solutions are uniquely characterized by additional relations

Rainer Ansorge (2003)

Applications of Mathematics

Weak solutions of given problems are sometimes not necessarily unique. Relevant solutions are then picked out of the set of weak solutions by so-called entropy conditions. Connections between the original and the numerical entropy condition were often discussed in the particular case of scalar conservation laws, and also a general theory was presented in the literature for general scalar problems. The entropy conditions were realized by certain inequalities not generalizable to systems of equations...

Currently displaying 661 – 680 of 872