Displaying 61 – 80 of 178

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Weak solutions of a parabolic-elliptic type system for image inpainting

Zhengmeng Jin, Xiaoping Yang (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper we consider the initial boundary value problem of a parabolic-elliptic system for image inpainting, and establish the existence and uniqueness of weak solutions to the system in dimension two.

Weak solutions to a nonlinear variational wave equation and some related problems

Ping Zhang (2006)

Applications of Mathematics

In this paper we present some results on the global existence of weak solutions to a nonlinear variational wave equation and some related problems. We first introduce the main tools, the L p Young measure theory and related compactness results, in the first section. Then we use the L p Young measure theory to prove the global existence of dissipative weak solutions to the asymptotic equation of the nonlinear wave equation, and comment on its relation to Camassa-Holm equations in the second section....

Weak solutions to a time-dependent heat equation with nonlocal radiation boundary condition and arbitrary p -summable right-hand side

Pierre-Etienne Druet (2010)

Applications of Mathematics

We consider a model for transient conductive-radiative heat transfer in grey materials. Since the domain contains an enclosed cavity, nonlocal radiation boundary conditions for the conductive heat-flux are taken into account. We generalize known existence and uniqueness results to the practically relevant case of lower integrable heat-sources, and of nonsmooth interfaces. We obtain energy estimates that involve only the L p norm of the heat sources for exponents p close to one. Such estimates are...

Weak solutions to the initial boundary value problem for a semilinear wave equation with damping and source terms

Petronela Radu (2008)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We show local existence of solutions to the initial boundary value problem corresponding to a semilinear wave equation with interior damping and source terms. The difficulty in dealing with these two competitive forces comes from the fact that the source term is not a locally Lipschitz function from H¹(Ω) into L²(Ω) as typically assumed in the literature. The strategy behind the proof is based on the physics of the problem, so it does not use the damping present in the equation. The arguments are...

Weak uniqueness and partial regularity for the composite membrane problem

Sagun Chanillo, Carlos E. Kenig (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We study the composite membrane problem in all dimensions. We prove that the minimizing solutions exhibit a weak uniqueness property which under certain conditions can be turned into a full uniqueness result. Next we study the partial regularity of the solutions to the Euler–Lagrange equation associated to the composite problem and also the regularity of the free boundary for solutions to the Euler–Lagrange equations.

Weakly continuous operators. Applications to differential equations

Jan Franců (1994)

Applications of Mathematics

The paper is a supplement to a survey by J. Franců: Monotone operators, A survey directed to differential equations, Aplikace Matematiky, 35(1990), 257–301. An abstract existence theorem for the equation A u = b with a coercive weakly continuous operator is proved. The application to boundary value problems for differential equations is illustrated on two examples. Although this generalization of monotone operator theory is not as general as the M-condition, it is sufficient for many technical applications....

Weakly hyperbolic equations of second order well-posed in some Gevrey classes

Enrico Jannelli (1983)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

L’equazione u t t = i j = 1 n ( a i j ( x , t ) u x j ) x i in condizioni di debole iperbolicità ( i j = 1 n a i j ( x , t ) ξ i ξ j 0 ) , è ben posta negli spazi di Gevrey γ l o c ( s ) con 1 s < 1 + σ 2 , purché a i j sia di Gevrey in x di ordine s e risulti [ i j = 1 n a i j ( x , t ) ξ i ξ j ] 1 / σ B V ( [ 0 , T ] : 𝐋 l o c )

Weakly nonlinear stochastic CGL equations

Sergei B. Kuksin (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We consider the linear Schrödinger equation under periodic boundary conditions, driven by a random force and damped by a quasilinear damping: d d t u + i - Δ + V ( x ) u = ν Δ u - γ R | u | 2 p u - i γ I | u | 2 q u + ν η ( t , x ) . ( * ) The force η is white in time and smooth in x ; the potential V ( x ) is typical. We are concerned with the limiting, as ν 0 , behaviour of solutions on long time-intervals 0 t ν - 1 T , and with behaviour of these solutions under the double limit t and ν 0 . We show that these two limiting behaviours may be described in terms of solutions for thesystem of effective equations for(...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 178