Displaying 201 – 220 of 277

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Scalar boundary value problems on junctions of thin rods and plates

R. Bunoiu, G. Cardone, S. A. Nazarov (2014)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We derive asymptotic formulas for the solutions of the mixed boundary value problem for the Poisson equation on the union of a thin cylindrical plate and several thin cylindrical rods. One of the ends of each rod is set into a hole in the plate and the other one is supplied with the Dirichlet condition. The Neumann conditions are imposed on the whole remaining part of the boundary. Elements of the junction are assumed to have contrasting properties so that the small parameter, i.e. the relative...

Selfadjoint Extensions for the Elasticity System in Shape Optimization

Serguei A. Nazarov, Jan Sokołowski (2004)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

Two approaches are proposed to modelling of topological variations in elastic solids. The first approach is based on the theory of selfadjoint extensions of differential operators. In the second approach function spaces with separated asymptotics and point asymptotic conditions are introduced, and a variational formulation is established. For both approaches, accuracy estimates are derived.

Semi-classical standing waves for nonlinear Schrödinger equations at structurally stable critical points of the potential

Jaeyoung Byeon, Kazunaga Tanaka (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We consider a singularly perturbed elliptic equation ϵ 2 Δ u - V ( x ) u + f ( u ) = 0 , u ( x ) > 0 on N , 𝚕𝚒𝚖 x u ( x ) = 0 , where V ( x ) > 0 for any x N . The singularly perturbed problem has corresponding limiting problems Δ U - c U + f ( U ) = 0 , U ( x ) > 0 on N , 𝚕𝚒𝚖 x U ( x ) = 0 , c > 0 . Berestycki-Lions found almost necessary and sufficient conditions on nonlinearity f for existence of a solution of the limiting problem. There have been endeavors to construct solutions of the singularly perturbed problem concentrating around structurally stable critical points of potential V under possibly general conditions on f . In...

Sharp upper bounds for a singular perturbation problem related to micromagnetics

Arkady Poliakovsky (2007)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

We construct an upper bound for the following family of functionals { E ε } ε > 0 , which arises in the study of micromagnetics: E ε ( u ) = Ω ε | u | 2 + 1 ε 2 | H u | 2 . Here Ω is a bounded domain in 2 , u H 1 ( Ω , S 1 ) (corresponding to the magnetization) and H u , the demagnetizing field created by u , is given by div ( u ˜ + H u ) = 0 in 2 , curl H u = 0 in 2 , where u ˜ is the extension of u by 0 in 2 Ω . Our upper bound coincides with the lower bound obtained by Rivière and Serfaty.

Singular Perturbation Analysis of Travelling Waves for a Model in Phytopathology

J. B. Burie, A. Calonnec, A. Ducrot (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We investigate the structure of travelling waves for a model of a fungal disease propagating over a vineyard. This model is based on a set of ODEs of the SIR-type coupled with two reaction-diffusion equations describing the dispersal of the spores produced by the fungus inside and over the vineyard. An estimate of the biological parameters in the model suggests to use a singular perturbation analysis. It allows us to compute the speed and the profile of the travelling waves. The analytical results...

Singular perturbation for the Dirichlet boundary control of elliptic problems

Faker Ben Belgacem, Henda El Fekih, Hejer Metoui (2003)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

A current procedure that takes into account the Dirichlet boundary condition with non-smooth data is to change it into a Robin type condition by introducing a penalization term; a major effect of this procedure is an easy implementation of the boundary condition. In this work, we deal with an optimal control problem where the control variable is the Dirichlet data. We describe the Robin penalization, and we bound the gap between the penalized and the non-penalized boundary controls for the small...

Singular perturbation for the Dirichlet boundary control of elliptic problems

Faker Ben Belgacem, Henda El Fekih, Hejer Metoui (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

A current procedure that takes into account the Dirichlet boundary condition with non-smooth data is to change it into a Robin type condition by introducing a penalization term; a major effect of this procedure is an easy implementation of the boundary condition. In this work, we deal with an optimal control problem where the control variable is the Dirichlet data. We describe the Robin penalization, and we bound the gap between the penalized and the non-penalized boundary controls for the small...

Singular Perturbations for a Class of Degenerate Parabolic Equations with Mixed Dirichlet-Neumann Boundary Conditions

Marie-Josée Jasor, Laurent Lévi (2003)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

We establish a singular perturbation property for a class of quasilinear parabolic degenerate equations associated with a mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary condition in a bounded domain of p , 1 p < + . In order to prove the L 1 -convergence of viscous solutions toward the entropy solution of the corresponding first-order hyperbolic problem, we refer to some properties of bounded sequences in L together with a weak formulation of boundary conditions for scalar conservation laws.

Small time-periodic solutions of equations of magnetohydrodynamics as a singularly perturbed problem

Milan Štědrý, Otto Vejvoda (1983)

Aplikace matematiky

This paper deals with a system of equations describing the motion of viscous electrically conducting incompressible fluid in a bounded three dimensional domain whose boundary is perfectly conducting. The displacement current appearing in Maxwell’s equations, ϵ E t is not neglected. It is proved that for a small periodic force and small positive there exists a locally unique periodic solution of the investigated system. For ϵ 0 , these solutions are shown to convergeto a solution of the simplified (and...

Solvability of a class of phase field systems related to a sliding mode control problem

Michele Colturato (2016)

Applications of Mathematics

We consider a phase-field system of Caginalp type perturbed by the presence of an additional maximal monotone nonlinearity. Such a system arises from a recent study of a sliding mode control problem. We prove the existence of strong solutions. Moreover, under further assumptions, we show the continuous dependence on the initial data and the uniqueness of the solution.

Spectral methods for singular perturbation problems

Wilhelm Heinrichs (1994)

Applications of Mathematics

We study spectral discretizations for singular perturbation problems. A special technique of stabilization for the spectral method is proposed. Boundary layer problems are accurately solved by a domain decomposition method. An effective iterative method for the solution of spectral systems is proposed. Suitable components for a multigrid method are presented.

Spherical semiclassical states of a critical frequency for Schrödinger equations with decaying potentials

Jaeyoung Byeon, Zhi-Qiang Wang (2006)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

For singularly perturbed Schrödinger equations with decaying potentials at infinity we construct semiclassical states of a critical frequency concentrating on spheres near zeroes of the potentials. The results generalize some recent work of Ambrosetti–Malchiodi–Ni [3] which gives solutions concentrating on spheres where the potential is positive. The solutions we obtain exhibit different behaviors from the ones given in [3].

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 277