Displaying 201 – 220 of 304

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Quand est-ce que des bornes de Hardy permettent de calculer une constante de Poincaré exacte sur la droite ?

Laurent Miclo (2008)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Classically, Hardy’s inequality enables to estimate the spectral gap of a one-dimensional diffusion up to a factor belonging to [ 1 , 4 ] . The goal of this paper is to better understand the latter factor, at least in a symmetric setting. In particular, we will give an asymptotical criterion implying that its value is exactly 4. The underlying argument is based on a semi-explicit functional for the spectral gap, which is monotone in some rearrangement of the data. To find it will resort to some regularity...

Quantitative analysis of metastability in reversible diffusion processes via a Witten complex approach.

Francis Nier (2004)

Journées Équations aux dérivées partielles

We present here a simplified version of recent results obtained with B. Helffer and M. Klein. They are concerned with the exponentally small eigenvalues of the Witten Laplacian on 0 -forms. We show how the Witten complex structure is better taken into account by working with singular values. This provides a convenient framework to derive accurate approximations of the first eigenvalues of Δ f , h ( 0 ) and solves efficiently the question of weakly resonant wells.

Rational invariant tori, phase space tunneling, and spectra for non-selfadjoint operators in dimension 2

Michael Hitrik, Johannes Sjöstrand (2008)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We study spectral asymptotics and resolvent bounds for non-selfadjoint perturbations of selfadjoint h -pseudodifferential operators in dimension 2, assuming that the classical flow of the unperturbed part is completely integrable. Spectral contributions coming from rational invariant Lagrangian tori are analyzed. Estimating the tunnel effect between strongly irrational (Diophantine) and rational tori, we obtain an accurate description of the spectrum in a suitable complex window, provided that the...

Recent results on Lieb-Thirring inequalities

Ari Laptev, Timo Weidl (2000)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

We give a survey of results on the Lieb-Thirring inequalities for the eigenvalue moments of Schrödinger operators. In particular, we discuss the optimal values of the constants therein for higher dimensions. We elaborate on certain generalisations and some open problems as well.

Sharp bounds for the intersection of nodal lines with certain curves

Junehyuk Jung (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Let Y be a hyperbolic surface and let φ be a Laplacian eigenfunction having eigenvalue - 1 / 4 - τ 2 with τ > 0 . Let N ( φ ) be the set of nodal lines of φ . For a fixed analytic curve γ of finite length, we study the number of intersections between N ( φ ) and γ in terms of τ . When Y is compact and γ a geodesic circle, or when Y has finite volume and γ is a closed horocycle, we prove that γ is “good” in the sense of [TZ]. As a result, we obtain that the number of intersections between N ( φ ) and γ is O ( τ ) . This bound is sharp.

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 304