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On the definition of strange nonchaotic attractor

Lluís Alsedà, Sara Costa (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The aim of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, we want to discuss some methodological issues related to the notion of strange nonchaotic attractor. On the other hand, we want to formulate a precise definition of this kind of attractor, which is "observable" in the physical sense and, in the two-dimensional setting, includes the well known models proposed by Grebogi et al. and by Keller, and a wide range of other examples proposed in the literature. Furthermore, we analytically prove that a whole...

On the dimension of the attractor for a perturbed 3d Ladyzhenskaya model

Dalibor Pražák, Josef Žabenský (2013)

Open Mathematics

We consider the so-called Ladyzhenskaya model of incompressible fluid, with an additional artificial smoothing term ɛΔ3. We establish the global existence, uniqueness, and regularity of solutions. Finally, we show that there exists an exponential attractor, whose dimension we estimate in terms of the relevant physical quantities, independently of ɛ > 0.

On the directional entropy of ℤ²-actions generated by cellular automata

M. Courbage, B. Kamiński (2002)

Studia Mathematica

We show that for any cellular automaton (CA) ℤ²-action Φ on the space of all doubly infinite sequences with values in a finite set A, determined by an automaton rule F = F [ l , r ] , l,r ∈ ℤ, l ≤ r, and any Φ-invariant Borel probability measure, the directional entropy h v ( Φ ) , v⃗= (x,y) ∈ ℝ², is bounded above by m a x ( | z l | , | z r | ) l o g A if z l z r 0 and by | z r - z l | in the opposite case, where z l = x + l y , z r = x + r y . We also show that in the class of permutative CA-actions the bounds are attained if the measure considered is uniform Bernoulli.

On the distribution of free path lengths for the periodic Lorentz gas II

François Golse, Bernt Wennberg (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Consider the domain Z ϵ = { x n ; d i s t ( x , ϵ n ) > ϵ γ } and let the free path length be defined as τ ϵ ( x , v ) = inf { t > 0 ; x - t v Z ϵ } . In the Boltzmann-Grad scaling corresponding to γ = n n - 1 , it is shown that the limiting distribution φ ϵ of τ ϵ is bounded from below by an expression of the form C/t, for some C> 0. A numerical study seems to indicate that asymptotically for large t, φ ϵ C / t . This is an extension of a previous work [J. Bourgain et al., Comm. Math. Phys.190 (1998) 491-508]. As a consequence, it is proved that the linear Boltzmann type transport equation is inappropriate...

On the distribution of the free path length of the linear flow in a honeycomb

Florin P. Boca, Radu N. Gologan (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Consider the region obtained by removing from 2 the discs of radius ε , centered at the points of integer coordinates ( a , b ) with b a ( mod ) . We are interested in the distribution of the free path length (exit time) τ , ε ( ω ) of a point particle, moving from ( 0 , 0 ) along a linear trajectory of direction ω , as ε 0 + . For every integer number 2 , we prove the weak convergence of the probability measures associated with the random variables ε τ , ε , explicitly computing the limiting distribution. For = 3 , respectively = 2 , this result leads...

On the dynamics of equations with infinite delay

Dalibor Pražák (2006)

Open Mathematics

We consider a system of ordinary differential equations with infinite delay. We study large time dynamics in the phase space of functions with an exponentially decaying weight. The existence of an exponential attractor is proved under the abstract assumption that the right-hand side is Lipschitz continuous. The dimension of the attractor is explicitly estimated.

Currently displaying 2881 – 2900 of 4754