Displaying 121 – 140 of 352

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Combinatoire du billard dans un polyèdre

Nicolas Bedaride (2006/2007)

Séminaire de théorie spectrale et géométrie

Ces notes ont pour but de rassembler les différents résultats de combinatoire des mots relatifs au billard polygonal et polyédral. On commence par rappeler quelques notions de combinatoire, puis on définit le billard, les notions utiles en dynamique et le codage de l’application. On énonce alors les résultats connus en dimension deux puis trois.

Combinatorial mapping-torus, branched surfaces and free group automorphisms

François Gautero (2007)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

We give a characterization of the geometric automorphisms in a certain class of (not necessarily irreducible) free group automorphisms. When the automorphism is geometric, then it is induced by a pseudo-Anosov homeomorphism without interior singularities. An outer free group automorphism is given by a 1 -cocycle of a 2 -complex (a standard dynamical branched surface, see [7] and [9]) the fundamental group of which is the mapping-torus group of the automorphism. A combinatorial construction elucidates...

Combinatorics of distance doubling maps

Karsten Keller, Steffen Winter (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study the combinatorics of distance doubling maps on the circle ℝ/ℤ with prototypes h(β) = 2β mod 1 and h̅(β) = -2β mod 1, representing the orientation preserving and orientation reversing case, respectively. In particular, we identify parts of the circle where the iterates f n of a distance doubling map f exhibit “distance doubling behavior”. The results include well known statements for h related to the structure of the Mandelbrot set M. For h̅ they suggest some analogies to the structure of...

Commutativity and non-commutativity of topological sequence entropy

Francisco Balibrea, Jose Salvador Cánovas Peña, Víctor Jiménez López (1999)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

In this paper we study the commutativity property for topological sequence entropy. We prove that if X is a compact metric space and f , g : X X are continuous maps then h A ( f g ) = h A ( g f ) for every increasing sequence A if X = [ 0 , 1 ] , and construct a counterexample for the general case. In the interim, we also show that the equality h A ( f ) = h A ( f | n 0 f n ( X ) ) is true if X = [ 0 , 1 ] but does not necessarily hold if X is an arbitrary compact metric space.

Commutativity of flows and injectivity of nonsingular mappings

M. Sabatini (2001)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

A relationship between jacobian maps and the commutativity properties of suitable couples of hamiltonian vector fields is studied. A theorem by Meisters and Olech is extended to the nonpolynomial case. A property implying the Jacobian Conjecture in ℝ² is described.

Commutators of flows and fields

Markus Mauhart, Peter W. Michor (1992)

Archivum Mathematicum

The well known formula [ X , Y ] = 1 2 2 t 2 | 0 ( - t Y ø - t X ø t Y ø t X ) for vector fields X , Y is generalized to arbitrary bracket expressions and arbitrary curves of local diffeomorphisms.

Commuting functions and simultaneous Abel equations

W. Jarczyk, K. Łoskot, M. C. Zdun (1994)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The system of Abel equations α(ft(x)) = α(x) + λ(t), t ∈ T, is studied under the general assumption that f t are pairwise commuting homeomorphisms of a real interval and have no fixed points (T is an arbitrary non-empty set). A result concerning embeddability of rational iteration groups in continuous groups is proved as a simple consequence of the obtained theorems.

Compact Global Chaotic Attractors of Discrete Control Systems

David Cheban (2014)

Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems

The paper is dedicated to the study of the problem of existence of compact global chaotic attractors of discrete control systems and to the description of its structure. We consider so called switched systems with discrete time xn+1 = fν(n)(xn), where ν : ℤ+ ⃗ {1,2,...,m}. If m ≥ 2 we give sufficient conditions (the family M := {f1,f2,...,fm} of functions is contracting in the extended sense) for the existence of a compact global chaotic attractor. We study this problem in the framework of non-autonomous...

Compacts connexes invariants par une application univalente

Emmanuel Risler (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let K be a compact connected subset of cc, not reduced to a point, and F a univalent map in a neighborhood of K such that F(K) = K. This work presents a study and a classification of the dynamics of F in a neighborhood of K. When ℂ K has one or two connected components, it is proved that there is a natural rotation number associated with the dynamics. If this rotation number is irrational, the situation is close to that of “degenerate Siegel disks” or “degenerate Herman rings” studied by R. Pérez-Marco...

Comparison of six models of antiangiogenic therapy

Andrzej Świerniak (2009)

Applicationes Mathematicae

Six models of antiangiogenic therapy are compared and analyzed from control-theoretic point of view. All of them consist of a model of tumor growth bounded by the capacity of a vascular network developed by the tumor in the process of angiogenesis and different models of dynamics of this network, and are based on the idea proposed by Hahnfeldt et al. Moreover, we analyse optimal control problems resulting from their use in treatment protocol design.

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 352