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Dynamic classification of escape time Sierpiński curve Julia sets

Robert L. Devaney, Kevin M. Pilgrim (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

For n ≥ 2, the family of rational maps F λ ( z ) = z + λ / z contains a countably infinite set of parameter values for which all critical orbits eventually land after some number κ of iterations on the point at infinity. The Julia sets of such maps are Sierpiński curves if κ ≥ 3. We show that two such maps are topologically conjugate on their Julia sets if and only if they are Möbius or anti-Möbius conjugate, and we give a precise count of the number of topological conjugacy classes as a function of n and κ.

Dynamics of dianalytic transformations of Klein surfaces

Ilie Barza, Dorin Ghisa (2004)

Mathematica Bohemica

This paper is an introduction to dynamics of dianalytic self-maps of nonorientable Klein surfaces. The main theorem asserts that dianalytic dynamics on Klein surfaces can be canonically reduced to dynamics of some classes of analytic self-maps on their orientable double covers. A complete list of those maps is given in the case where the respective Klein surfaces are the real projective plane, the pointed real projective plane and the Klein bottle.

Dynamics on Hubbard trees

Lluís Alsedà, Núria Fagella (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

It is well known that the Hubbard tree of a postcritically finite complex polynomial contains all the combinatorial information on the polynomial. In fact, an abstract Hubbard tree as defined in [23] uniquely determines the polynomial up to affine conjugation. In this paper we give necessary and sufficient conditions enabling one to deduce directly from the restriction of a quadratic Misiurewicz polynomial to its Hubbard tree whether the polynomial is renormalizable, and in this case, of which type....

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