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A new proof of a conjecture of Yoccoz

Xavier Buff, Arnaud Chéritat (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We give a new proof of the following conjecture of Yoccoz: ( C ) ( θ ) log rad Δ ( Q θ ) - Y ( θ ) + C , where Q θ ( z ) = e 2 π i θ z + z 2 , Δ ( Q θ ) is its Siegel disk if Q θ is linearizable (or otherwise), rad Δ ( Q θ ) is the conformal radius of the Siegel disk of Q θ (or 0 if there is none) and Y ( θ ) is Yoccoz’s Brjuno function.In a former article we obtained a first proof based on the control of parabolic explosion. Here, we present a more elementary proof based on Yoccoz’s initial methods.We then extend this result to some new families of polynomials such as z d + c with d > 2 . We also show that...

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