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Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities in weighted Orlicz spaces

Agnieszka Kałamajska, Katarzyna Pietruska-Pałuba (2006)

Studia Mathematica

We derive inequalities of Gagliardo-Nirenberg type in weighted Orlicz spaces on ℝⁿ, for maximal functions of derivatives and for the derivatives themselves. This is done by an application of pointwise interpolation inequalities obtained previously by the first author and of Muckenhoupt-Bloom-Kerman-type theorems for maximal functions.

Gehring's lemma for metrics and higher integrability of the gradient for minimizers of noncoercive variational functionals

Bruno Franchi, Francesco Serra Cassano (1996)

Studia Mathematica

We prove a higher integrability result - similar to Gehring's lemma - for the metric space associated with a family of Lipschitz continuous vector fields by means of sub-unit curves. Applications are given to show the higher integrability of the gradient of minimizers of some noncoercive variational functionals.

General Franklin systems as bases in H¹[0,1]

Gegham G. Gevorkyan, Anna Kamont (2005)

Studia Mathematica

By a general Franklin system corresponding to a dense sequence of knots 𝓣 = (tₙ, n ≥ 0) in [0,1] we mean a sequence of orthonormal piecewise linear functions with knots 𝓣, that is, the nth function of the system has knots t₀, ..., tₙ. The main result of this paper is a characterization of sequences 𝓣 for which the corresponding general Franklin system is a basis or an unconditional basis in H¹[0,1].

General Haar systems and greedy approximation

Anna Kamont (2001)

Studia Mathematica

We show that each general Haar system is permutatively equivalent in L p ( [ 0 , 1 ] ) , 1 < p < ∞, to a subsequence of the classical (i.e. dyadic) Haar system. As a consequence, each general Haar system is a greedy basis in L p ( [ 0 , 1 ] ) , 1 < p < ∞. In addition, we give an example of a general Haar system whose tensor products are greedy bases in each L p ( [ 0 , 1 ] d ) , 1 < p < ∞, d ∈ ℕ. This is in contrast to [11], where it has been shown that the tensor products of the dyadic Haar system are not greedy bases in L p ( [ 0 , 1 ] d ) for 1...

Generalized fractional integrals on central Morrey spaces and generalized λ-CMO spaces

Katsuo Matsuoka (2014)

Banach Center Publications

We introduce the generalized fractional integrals I ̃ α , d and prove the strong and weak boundedness of I ̃ α , d on the central Morrey spaces B p , λ ( ) . In order to show the boundedness, the generalized λ-central mean oscillation spaces Λ p , λ ( d ) ( ) and the generalized weak λ-central mean oscillation spaces W Λ p , λ ( d ) ( ) play an important role.

Generalized gradients for locally Lipschitz integral functionals on non- L p -type spaces of measurable functions

Hôǹg Thái Nguyêñ, Dariusz Pączka (2008)

Banach Center Publications

Let (Ω,μ) be a measure space, E be an arbitrary separable Banach space, E * ω * be the dual equipped with the weak* topology, and g:Ω × E → ℝ be a Carathéodory function which is Lipschitz continuous on each ball of E for almost all s ∈ Ω. Put G ( x ) : = Ω g ( s , x ( s ) ) d μ ( s ) . Consider the integral functional G defined on some non- L p -type Banach space X of measurable functions x: Ω → E. We present several general theorems on sufficient conditions under which any element γ ∈ X* of Clarke’s generalized gradient (multivalued C-subgradient)...

Generalized Hölder type spaces of harmonic functions in the unit ball and half space

Alexey Karapetyants, Joel Esteban Restrepo (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study spaces of Hölder type functions harmonic in the unit ball and half space with some smoothness conditions up to the boundary. The first type is the Hölder type space of harmonic functions with prescribed modulus of continuity ω = ω ( h ) and the second is the variable exponent harmonic Hölder space with the continuity modulus | h | λ ( · ) . We give a characterization of functions in these spaces in terms of the behavior of their derivatives near the boundary.

Generalized n -Laplacian: semilinear Neumann problem with the critical growth

Robert Černý (2013)

Applications of Mathematics

Let Ω n , n 2 , be a bounded connected domain of the class C 1 , θ for some θ ( 0 , 1 ] . Applying the generalized Moser-Trudinger inequality without boundary condition, the Mountain Pass Theorem and the Ekeland Variational Principle, we prove the existence and multiplicity of nontrivial weak solutions to the problem u W 1 L Φ ( Ω ) , - div Φ ' ( | u | ) u | u | + V ( x ) Φ ' ( | u | ) u | u | = f ( x , u ) + μ h ( x ) in Ω , u 𝐧 = 0 on Ω , where Φ is a Young function such that the space W 1 L Φ ( Ω ) is embedded into exponential or multiple exponential Orlicz space, the nonlinearity f ( x , t ) has the corresponding critical growth, V ( x ) is a continuous potential,...

Generalized n-Laplacian: boundedness of weak solutions to the Dirichlet problem with nonlinearity in the critical growth range

Robert Černý (2014)

Open Mathematics

Let n ≥ 2 and let Ω ⊂ ℝn be an open set. We prove the boundedness of weak solutions to the problem u W 0 1 L Φ Ω a n d - d i v Φ ' u u u + V x Φ ' u u u = f x , u + μ h x i n Ω , where ϕ is a Young function such that the space W 01 L Φ(Ω) is embedded into an exponential or multiple exponential Orlicz space, the nonlinearity f(x, t) has the corresponding critical growth, V(x) is a continuous potential, h ∈ L Φ(Ω) is a non-trivial continuous function and µ ≥ 0 is a small parameter. We consider two classical cases: the case of Ω being an open bounded set and the case of Ω =...

Generators for algebras dense in L p -spaces

Alexander J. Izzo, Bo Li (2013)

Studia Mathematica

For various L p -spaces (1 ≤ p < ∞) we investigate the minimum number of complex-valued functions needed to generate an algebra dense in the space. The results depend crucially on the regularity imposed on the generators. For μ a positive regular Borel measure on a compact metric space there always exists a single bounded measurable function that generates an algebra dense in L p ( μ ) . For M a Riemannian manifold-with-boundary of finite volume there always exists a single continuous function that generates...

Geometric characterization of L₁-spaces

Normuxammad Yadgorov, Mukhtar Ibragimov, Karimbergen Kudaybergenov (2013)

Studia Mathematica

The paper is devoted to a description of all real strongly facially symmetric spaces which are isometrically isomorphic to L₁-spaces. We prove that if Z is a real neutral strongly facially symmetric space such that every maximal geometric tripotent from the dual space of Z is unitary, then the space Z is isometrically isomorphic to the space L₁(Ω,Σ,μ), where (Ω,Σ,μ) is an appropriate measure space having the direct sum property.

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