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Integral and derivative operators of functional order on generalized Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces in the setting of spaces of homogeneous type

Silvia I. Hartzstein, Beatriz E. Viviani (2002)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In the setting of spaces of homogeneous-type, we define the Integral, I φ , and Derivative, D φ , operators of order φ , where φ is a function of positive lower type and upper type less than 1 , and show that I φ and D φ are bounded from Lipschitz spaces Λ ξ to Λ ξ φ and Λ ξ / φ respectively, with suitable restrictions on the quasi-increasing function ξ in each case. We also prove that I φ and D φ are bounded from the generalized Besov B ˙ p ψ , q , with 1 p , q < , and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces F ˙ p ψ , q , with 1 < p , q < , of order ψ to those of order φ ψ and ψ / φ respectively,...

Integral representation and Γ -convergence of variational integrals with p ( x ) -growth

Alessandra Coscia, Domenico Mucci (2002)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We study the integral representation properties of limits of sequences of integral functionals like f ( x , D u ) d x under nonstandard growth conditions of ( p , q ) -type: namely, we assume that | z | p ( x ) f ( x , z ) L ( 1 + | z | p ( x ) ) . Under weak assumptions on the continuous function p ( x ) , we prove Γ -convergence to integral functionals of the same type. We also analyse the case of integrands f ( x , u , D u ) depending explicitly on u ; finally we weaken the assumption allowing p ( x ) to be discontinuous on nice sets.

Integral representation and Γ-convergence of variational integrals with p(x)-growth

Alessandra Coscia, Domenico Mucci (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We study the integral representation properties of limits of sequences of integral functionals like   f ( x , D u ) d x   under nonstandard growth conditions of (p,q)-type: namely, we assume that | z | p ( x ) f ( x , z ) L ( 1 + | z | p ( x ) ) . Under weak assumptions on the continuous function p(x), we prove Γ-convergence to integral functionals of the same type. We also analyse the case of integrands f(x,u,Du) depending explicitly on u; finally we weaken the assumption allowing p(x) to be discontinuous on nice sets.

Interactions de singularités pour une classe d'équations à caractéristiques doubles

Eric Leichtnam (1985)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Nous précisons, dans le contexte microlocal Sobolev, les résultats de propagations de singularités obtenus par N. Hanges dans le contexte microlocal C pour les opérateurs pseudo-differentiels à symbole principal réel et dont la variété caractéristique est la réunion de deux hypersurfaces lisses d’intersection non involutive. Nous obtenons également un résultat de propagation dans un cas non linéaire. Nos démonstrations consistent essentiellement à étudier l’action des paramétrices constantes par...

Interpolation between Hp spaces and non-commutative generalizations (II).

Gilles Pisier (1993)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We continue an investigation started in a preceding paper. We discuss tha classical result of Carleson connecting Carleson measures with the ∂-equation in a slightly more abstract framework than usual. We also consider a more recent result of Peter Jones which shows the existence of a solution for the ∂-equation, which satisfies simultaneously a good L∞ estimate and a good L1 estimate. This appears as a special case of our main result which can be stated as follows:Let (Ω, A, μ) be any measure space....

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 47