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Ideals in big Lipschitz algebras of analytic functions

Thomas Vils Pedersen (2004)

Studia Mathematica

For 0 < γ ≤ 1, let Λ γ be the big Lipschitz algebra of functions analytic on the open unit disc which satisfy a Lipschitz condition of order γ on ̅. For a closed set E on the unit circle and an inner function Q, let J γ ( E , Q ) be the closed ideal in Λ γ consisting of those functions f Λ γ for which (i) f = 0 on E, (ii) | f ( z ) - f ( w ) | = o ( | z - w | γ ) as d(z,E),d(w,E) → 0, (iii) f / Q Λ γ . Also, for a closed ideal I in Λ γ , let E I = z ∈ : f(z) = 0 for every f ∈ I and let Q I be the greatest common divisor of the inner parts of non-zero functions in I....

Ideáux fermés d'une algèbre de Beurling régulière.

Eric Decreux (1998)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

The structure of closed ideals of a regular algebra containing the classical A∞ is considered. Several division and approximation results are proved and a characterization of those ideals whose intersection with A∞ is not {0} is obtained. A complete description of the ideals with countable hull is given, with applications to synthesis of hyperfunctions.

Interpolation between Hp spaces and non-commutative generalizations (II).

Gilles Pisier (1993)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We continue an investigation started in a preceding paper. We discuss tha classical result of Carleson connecting Carleson measures with the ∂-equation in a slightly more abstract framework than usual. We also consider a more recent result of Peter Jones which shows the existence of a solution for the ∂-equation, which satisfies simultaneously a good L∞ estimate and a good L1 estimate. This appears as a special case of our main result which can be stated as follows:Let (Ω, A, μ) be any measure space....

Invariant subspaces on open Riemann surfaces

Morisuke Hasumi (1974)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let R be a hyperbolic Riemann surface, d χ a harmonic measure supported on the Martin boundary of R , and H ( d χ ) the subalgebra of L ( d χ ) consisting of the boundary values of bounded analytic functions on R . This paper gives a complete classification of the closed H ( d χ ) -submodules of L p ( d χ ) , 1 p (weakly * closed, if p = , when R is regular and admits a sufficiently large family of bounded multiplicative analytic functions satisfying an approximation condition. It also gives, as a corollary, a corresponding result for the Hardy...

Invariant subspaces on open Riemann surfaces. II

Morisuke Hasumi (1976)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We considerably improve our earlier results [Ann. Inst. Fourier, 24-4 (1974] concerning Cauchy-Read’s theorems, convergence of Green lines, and the structure of invariant subspaces for a class of hyperbolic Riemann surfaces.

Iterates and the boundary behavior of the Berezin transform

Jonathan Arazy, Miroslav Engliš (2001)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let μ be a measure on a domain Ω in n such that the Bergman space of holomorphic functions in L 2 ( Ω , μ ) possesses a reproducing kernel K ( x , y ) and K ( x , x ) &gt; 0 x Ω . The Berezin transform associated to μ is the integral...

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