Displaying 141 – 160 of 230

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Proper subspaces and compatibility

Esteban Andruchow, Eduardo Chiumiento, María Eugenia Di Iorio y Lucero (2015)

Studia Mathematica

Let 𝓔 be a Banach space contained in a Hilbert space 𝓛. Assume that the inclusion is continuous with dense range. Following the terminology of Gohberg and Zambickiĭ, we say that a bounded operator on 𝓔 is a proper operator if it admits an adjoint with respect to the inner product of 𝓛. A proper operator which is self-adjoint with respect to the inner product of 𝓛 is called symmetrizable. By a proper subspace 𝓢 we mean a closed subspace of 𝓔 which is the range of a proper projection. Furthermore,...

Properties and applications of Tauberian operators.

Manuel González (1990)

Extracta Mathematicae

Tauberian operators, which appeared in response to a problem in summability [GaW, KW] have found application in several situations: factorization of operators [DFJP], preservation of isomorphic properties of Banach spaces [N, NR], equivalence between the Radon-Nikodym property and the Krein-Milman property [Sch], and generalized Fredholm operators [Ta, Y].This paper is a survey of the main properties and applications of Tauberian operators.

Pták homomorphism theorem revisited

J. R. Ferrer, M. López Pellicer, L. M. Sánchez Ruiz (2000)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Rodrigues’ extension (1989) of the classical Pták’s homomorphism theorem to a non-necessarily locally convex setting stated that a nearly semi-open mapping between a semi-B-complete space and an arbitrary topological vector space is semi-open. In this paper we study this extension and, as a consequence of the results obtained, provide an improvement of Pták’s homomorphism theorem.

q-deformed circularity for an unbounded operator in Hilbert space

Schôichi Ôta (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The notion of strong circularity for an unbounded operator is introduced and studied. Moreover, q-deformed circularity as a q-analogue of circularity is characterized in terms of the partially isometric and the positive parts of the polar decomposition.

Regularity of domains of parameterized families of closed linear operators

Teresa Winiarska, Tadeusz Winiarski (2003)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The purpose of this paper is to provide a method of reduction of some problems concerning families A t = ( A ( t ) ) t of linear operators with domains ( t ) t to a problem in which all the operators have the same domain . To do it we propose to construct a family ( Ψ t ) t of automorphisms of a given Banach space X having two properties: (i) the mapping t Ψ t is sufficiently regular and (ii) Ψ t ( ) = t for t ∈ . Three effective constructions are presented: for elliptic operators of second order with the Robin boundary condition with a parameter;...

Relatively open operators and the ubiquitous concept.

R. W. Cross (1994)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

A linear operator T: D(T) ⊂ X → Y, when X and Y are normed spaces, is called ubiquitously open (UO) if every infinite dimensional subspace M of D(T) contains another such subspace N for which T|N is open (in the relative sense). The following properties are shown to be equivalent: (i) T is UO, (ii) T is ubiquitously almost open, (iii) no infinite dimensional restriction of T is injective and precompact, (iv) either T is upper semi-Fredholm or T has finite dimensional range, (v) for each infinite...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 230