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Linear inessential operators and generalized inverses

Bruce A. Barnes (2009)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The space of inessential bounded linear operators from one Banach space X into another Y is introduced. This space, I ( X , Y ) , is a subspace of B ( X , Y ) which generalizes Kleinecke’s ideal of inessential operators. For certain subspaces W of I ( X , Y ) , it is shown that when T B ( X , Y ) has a generalized inverse modulo W , then there exists a projection P B ( X ) such that T ( I - P ) has a generalized inverse and T P W .

Local polynomials are polynomials

C. Fong, G. Lumer, E. Nordgren, H. Radjavi, P. Rosenthal (1995)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that a function f is a polynomial if G◦f is a polynomial for every bounded linear functional G. We also show that an operator-valued function is a polynomial if it is locally a polynomial.

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