Displaying 41 – 60 of 88

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Numerical index of vector-valued function spaces

Miguel Martín, Rafael Payá (2000)

Studia Mathematica

We show that the numerical index of a c 0 -, l 1 -, or l -sum of Banach spaces is the infimum of the numerical indices of the summands. Moreover, we prove that the spaces C(K,X) and L 1 ( μ , X ) (K any compact Hausdorff space, μ any positive measure) have the same numerical index as the Banach space X. We also observe that these spaces have the so-called Daugavet property whenever X has the Daugavet property.

Numerical index with respect to an operator

Mohammad Ali Ardalani (2014)

Studia Mathematica

We introduce new concepts of numerical range and numerical radius of one operator with respect to another one, which generalize in a natural way the known concepts of numerical range and numerical radius. We study basic properties of these new concepts and present some examples.

Numerical radius inequalities for 2 × 2 operator matrices

Omar Hirzallah, Fuad Kittaneh, Khalid Shebrawi (2012)

Studia Mathematica

We derive several numerical radius inequalities for 2 × 2 operator matrices. Numerical radius inequalities for sums and products of operators are given. Applications of our inequalities are also provided.

Numerical radius inequalities for Hilbert C * -modules

Sadaf Fakri Moghaddam, Alireza Kamel Mirmostafaee (2022)

Mathematica Bohemica

We present a new method for studying the numerical radius of bounded operators on Hilbert C * -modules. Our method enables us to obtain some new results and generalize some known theorems for bounded operators on Hilbert spaces to bounded adjointable operators on Hilbert C * -module spaces.

Numerical radius inequalities for Hilbert space operators

Fuad Kittaneh (2005)

Studia Mathematica

It is shown that if A is a bounded linear operator on a complex Hilbert space, then 1/4 ||A*A + AA*|| ≤ (w(A))² ≤ 1/2 ||A*A + AA*||, where w(·) and ||·|| are the numerical radius and the usual operator norm, respectively. These inequalities lead to a considerable improvement of the well known inequalities 1/2 ||A|| ≤ w(A) ≤ || A||. Numerical radius inequalities for products and commutators of operators are also obtained.

Numerical radius inequalities for Hilbert space operators. II

Mohammad El-Haddad, Fuad Kittaneh (2007)

Studia Mathematica

We give several sharp inequalities involving powers of the numerical radii and the usual operator norms of Hilbert space operators. These inequalities, which are based on some classical convexity inequalities for nonnegative real numbers and some operator inequalities, generalize earlier numerical radius inequalities.

Numerical range of operators acting on Banach spaces

Khadijeh Jahedi, Bahmann Yousefi (2012)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The aim of the paper is to propose a definition of numerical range of an operator on reflexive Banach spaces. Under this definition the numerical range will possess the basic properties of a canonical numerical range. We will determine necessary and sufficient conditions under which the numerical range of a composition operator on a weighted Hardy space is closed. We will also give some necessary conditions to show that when the closure of the numerical range of a composition operator on a small...

Numerical ranges of some composition operators.

Catherine Finet (2006)


This paper is a short survey on the numerical range of some composition operators. The first part is devoted to composition operators on the Hilbert Hardy space H2 on the unit disk. The results are due to P. Bourdon, J. Shapiro and V. Matache.In the second part we study the numerical range of composition operators on the Hilbert space H2 of Dirichlet series. These results are due to H. Queffélec and the author.The third part is devoted to compactness connected with fixed points in the setting of...

On Erb's uncertainty principle

Hubert Klaja (2016)

Studia Mathematica

We improve a result of Erb, concerning an uncertainty principle for orthogonal polynomials. The proof uses numerical range and a decomposition of some multiplication operators as a difference of orthogonal projections.

On the numerical range of operators on locally and on H-locally convex spaces

Edvard Kramar (1993)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The spatial numerical range for a class of operators on locally convex space was studied by Giles, Joseph, Koehler and Sims in [3]. The purpose of this paper is to consider some additional properties of the numerical range on locally convex and especially on H -locally convex spaces.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 88