Displaying 201 – 220 of 312

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Pointwise ergodic theorems for functions in Lorentz spaces L p q with p ≠ ∞

Ryotaro Sato (1994)

Studia Mathematica

Let τ be a null preserving point transformation on a finite measure space. Assuming τ is invertible, P. Ortega Salvador has recently obtained sufficient conditions for the almost everywhere convergence of the ergodic averages in L p q with 1 < p < ∞, 1 < q < ∞. In this paper we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the almost everywhere convergence, without assuming that τ is invertible and only assuming that p ≠ ∞.

Pointwise ergodic theorems in Lorentz spaces L(p,q) for null preserving transformations

Ryotaro Sato (1995)

Studia Mathematica

Let (X,ℱ,µ) be a finite measure space and τ a null preserving transformation on (X,ℱ,µ). Functions in Lorentz spaces L(p,q) associated with the measure μ are considered for pointwise ergodic theorems. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given in order that for any f in L(p,q) the ergodic average n - 1 i = 0 n - 1 f τ i ( x ) converges almost everywhere to a function f* in L ( p 1 , q 1 ] , where (pq) and ( p 1 , q 1 ] are assumed to be in the set ( r , s ) : r = s = 1 , o r 1 < r < a n d 1 s , o r r = s = . Results due to C. Ryll-Nardzewski, S. Gładysz, and I. Assani and J. Woś are generalized and unified...

Pointwise ergodic theorems with rate and application to the CLT for Markov chains

Christophe Cuny, Michael Lin (2009)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Let T be Dunford–Schwartz operator on a probability space (Ω, μ). For f∈Lp(μ), p&gt;1, we obtain growth conditions on ‖∑k=1nTkf‖p which imply that (1/n1/p)∑k=1nTkf→0 μ-a.e. In the particular case that p=2 and T is the isometry induced by a probability preserving transformation we get better results than in the general case; these are used to obtain a quenched central limit theorem for additive functionals of stationary ergodic Markov chains, which improves those of Derriennic–Lin and Wu–Woodroofe....

Pointwise limit theorem for a class of unbounded operators in r -spaces

Ryszard Jajte (2007)

Studia Mathematica

We distinguish a class of unbounded operators in r , r ≥ 1, related to the self-adjoint operators in ². For these operators we prove a kind of individual ergodic theorem, replacing the classical Cesàro averages by Borel summability. The result is equivalent to a version of Gaposhkin’s criterion for the a.e. convergence of operators. In the proof, the theory of martingales and interpolation in r -spaces are applied.

Pointwise limits for sequences of orbital integrals

Claire Anantharaman-Delaroche (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

In 1967, Ross and Stromberg published a theorem about pointwise limits of orbital integrals for the left action of a locally compact group G on (G,ρ), where ρ is the right Haar measure. We study the same kind of problem, but more generally for left actions of G on any measure space (X,μ), which leave the σ-finite measure μ relatively invariant, in the sense that sμ = Δ(s)μ for every s ∈ G, where Δ is the modular function of G. As a consequence, we also obtain a generalization of a theorem of Civin...

Poisson's equation and characterizations of reflexivity of Banach spaces

Vladimir P. Fonf, Michael Lin, Przemysław Wojtaszczyk (2011)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let X be a Banach space with a basis. We prove that X is reflexive if and only if every power-bounded linear operator T satisfies Browder’s equality x X : s u p n | | k = 1 n T k x | | < = (I-T)X . We then deduce that X (with a basis) is reflexive if and only if every strongly continuous bounded semigroup T t : t 0 with generator A satisfies A X = x X : s u p s > 0 | | 0 s T t x d t | | < . The range (I-T)X (respectively, AX for continuous time) is the space of x ∈ X for which Poisson’s equation (I-T)y = x (Ay = x in continuous time) has a solution y ∈ X; the above equalities for the ranges...

Polynomials in the Volterra and Ritt operators

Dashdondog Tsedenbayar, Jaroslav Zemánek (2005)

Banach Center Publications

We continue the paper [Ts] on the boundedness of polynomials in the Volterra operator. This provides new ways of constructing power-bounded operators. It seems interesting to point out that a similar procedure applies to the operators satisfying the Ritt resolvent condition: compare Theorem 5 and Theorem 9 below.

Positive L¹ operators associated with nonsingular mappings and an example of E. Hille

Isaac Kornfeld, Wojciech Kosek (2003)

Colloquium Mathematicae

E. Hille [Hi1] gave an example of an operator in L¹[0,1] satisfying the mean ergodic theorem (MET) and such that supₙ||Tⁿ|| = ∞ (actually, | | T | | n 1 / 4 ). This was the first example of a non-power bounded mean ergodic L¹ operator. In this note, the possible rates of growth (in n) of the norms of Tⁿ for such operators are studied. We show that, for every γ > 0, there are positive L¹ operators T satisfying the MET with l i m n | | T | | / n 1 - γ = . I n t h e c l a s s o f p o s i t i v e o p e r a t o r s t h e s e e x a m p l e s a r e t h e b e s t p o s s i b l e i n t h e s e n s e t h a t f o r e v e r y s u c h o p e r a t o r T t h e r e e x i s t s a γ > 0 s u c h t h a t lim supn→ ∞ ||Tⁿ||/n1-γ₀ = 0 . A class of numerical sequences αₙ, intimately related to the...

Power-bounded elements and radical Banach algebras

Graham Allan (1997)

Banach Center Publications

Firstly, we give extensions of results of Gelfand, Esterle and Katznelson--Tzafriri on power-bounded operators. Secondly, some results and questions relating to power-bounded elements in the unitization of a commutative radical Banach algebra are discussed.

Precompactness in the uniform ergodic theory

Yu. Lyubich, J. Zemánek (1994)

Studia Mathematica

We characterize the Banach space operators T whose arithmetic means n - 1 ( I + T + . . . + T n - 1 ) n 1 form a precompact set in the operator norm topology. This occurs if and only if the sequence n - 1 T n n 1 is precompact and the point 1 is at most a simple pole of the resolvent of T. Equivalent geometric conditions are also obtained.

Quasi-constricted linear operators on Banach spaces

Eduard Yu. Emel'yanov, Manfred P. H. Wolff (2001)

Studia Mathematica

Let X be a Banach space over ℂ. The bounded linear operator T on X is called quasi-constricted if the subspace X : = x X : l i m n | | T x | | = 0 is closed and has finite codimension. We show that a power bounded linear operator T ∈ L(X) is quasi-constricted iff it has an attractor A with Hausdorff measure of noncompactness χ | | · | | ( A ) < 1 for some equivalent norm ||·||₁ on X. Moreover, we characterize the essential spectral radius of an arbitrary bounded operator T by quasi-constrictedness of scalar multiples of T. Finally, we prove that every...

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 312