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Two theorems on the Scorza Dragoni property for multifunctions

Gabriele Bonanno (1989)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

We point out two theorems on the Scorza Dragoni property for multifunctions. As an application, in particular, we improve a Carathéodory selection theorem by A. Cellina [4], by removing a compactness assumption.

Two-input control systems on the euclidean group  SE (2)

Ross M. Adams, Rory Biggs, Claudiu C. Remsing (2013)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Any two-input left-invariant control affine system of full rank, evolving on the Euclidean group SE (2), is (detached) feedback equivalent to one of three typical cases. In each case, we consider an optimal control problem which is then lifted, via the Pontryagin Maximum Principle, to a Hamiltonian system on the dual space 𝔰𝔢 (2)*. These reduced Hamilton − Poisson systems are the main topic of this paper. A qualitative analysis of each reduced system is performed. This analysis...

Two-scale homogenization for a model in strain gradient plasticity

Alessandro Giacomini, Alessandro Musesti (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Using the tool of two-scale convergence, we provide a rigorous mathematical setting for the homogenization result obtained by Fleck and Willis [J. Mech. Phys. Solids 52 (2004) 1855–1888] concerning the effective plastic behaviour of a strain gradient composite material. Moreover, moving from deformation theory to flow theory, we prove a convergence result for the homogenization of quasistatic evolutions in the presence of isotropic linear hardening.

Two-scale homogenization for a model in strain gradient plasticity

Alessandro Giacomini, Alessandro Musesti (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Using the tool of two-scale convergence, we provide a rigorous mathematical setting for the homogenization result obtained by Fleck and Willis [J. Mech. Phys. Solids52 (2004) 1855–1888] concerning the effective plastic behaviour of a strain gradient composite material. Moreover, moving from deformation theory to flow theory, we prove a convergence result for the homogenization of quasistatic evolutions in the presence of isotropic linear hardening.

Two-stage stochastic programming approach to a PDE-constrained steel production problem with the moving interface

Lubomír Klimeš, Pavel Popela, Tomáš Mauder, Josef Štětina, Pavel Charvát (2017)


The paper is concerned with a parallel implementation of the progressive hedging algorithm (PHA) which is applicable for the solution of stochastic optimization problems. We utilized the Message Passing Interface (MPI) and the General Algebraic Modelling System (GAMS) to concurrently solve the scenario-related subproblems in parallel manner. The standalone application combining the PHA, MPI, and GAMS was programmed in C++. The created software was successfully applied to a steel production problem...

Tykhonov well-posedness of a heat transfer problem with unilateral constraints

Mircea Sofonea, Domingo A. Tarzia (2022)

Applications of Mathematics

We consider an elliptic boundary value problem with unilateral constraints and subdifferential boundary conditions. The problem describes the heat transfer in a domain D d and its weak formulation is in the form of a hemivariational inequality for the temperature field, denoted by 𝒫 . We associate to Problem 𝒫 an optimal control problem, denoted by 𝒬 . Then, using appropriate Tykhonov triples, governed by a nonlinear operator G and a convex K ˜ , we provide results concerning the well-posedness of problems...

Type-II singularities of two-convex immersed mean curvature flow

Theodora Bourni, Mat Langford (2016)

Geometric Flows

We show that any strictly mean convex translator of dimension n ≥ 3 which admits a cylindrical estimate and a corresponding gradient estimate is rotationally symmetric. As a consequence, we deduce that any translating solution of the mean curvature flow which arises as a blow-up limit of a two-convex mean curvature flow of compact immersed hypersurfaces of dimension n ≥ 3 is rotationally symmetric. The proof is rather robust, and applies to a more general class of translator equations. As a particular...

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