Displaying 301 – 320 of 838

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Some convergence, stability and data dependency results for a Picard-S iteration method of quasi-strictly contractive operators

Müzeyyen Ertürk, Faik Gürsoy (2019)

Mathematica Bohemica

We study some qualitative features like convergence, stability and data dependency for Picard-S iteration method of a quasi-strictly contractive operator under weaker conditions imposed on parametric sequences in the mentioned method. We compare the rate of convergence among the Mann, Ishikawa, Noor, normal-S, and Picard-S iteration methods for the quasi-strictly contractive operators. Results reveal that the Picard-S iteration method converges fastest to the fixed point of quasi-strictly contractive...

Some dynamical properties of S-unimodal maps

Tomasz Nowicki (1993)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study 1) the slopes of central branches of iterates of S-unimodal maps, comparing them to the derivatives on the critical trajectory, 2) the hyperbolic structure of Collet-Eckmann maps estimating the exponents, and under a summability condition 3) the images of the density one under the iterates of the Perron-Frobenius operator, 4) the density of the absolutely continuous invariant measure.

Some examples of continuous images of Radon-Nikodým compact spaces

Alexander D. Arvanitakis, Antonio Avilés (2009)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We provide a characterization of continuous images of Radon-Nikodým compacta lying in a product of real lines and model on it a method for constructing natural examples of such continuous images.

Some examples of true F σ δ sets

Marek Balcerzak, Udayan Darji (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let K(X) be the hyperspace of a compact metric space endowed with the Hausdorff metric. We give a general theorem showing that certain subsets of K(X) are true F σ δ sets.

Some examples related to colorings

Michael van Hartskamp, Jan van Mill (2000)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We complement the literature by proving that for a fixed-point free map f : X X the statements (1) f admits a finite functionally closed cover 𝒜 with f [ A ] A = for all A 𝒜 (i.e., a coloring) and (2) β f is fixed-point free are equivalent. When functionally closed is weakened to closed, we show that normality is sufficient to prove equivalence, and give an example to show it cannot be omitted. We also show that a theorem due to van Mill is sharp: for every n 2 we construct a strongly zero-dimensional Tychonov space...

Currently displaying 301 – 320 of 838