Displaying 561 – 580 of 838

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Some versions of relative paracompactness and their absolute embeddings

Shinji Kawaguchi (2007)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Arhangel’skii [Sci. Math. Jpn. 55 (2002), 153–201] defined notions of relative paracompactness in terms of locally finite open partial refinement and asked if one can generalize the notions above to the well known Michael’s criteria of paracompactness in [17] and [18]. In this paper, we consider some versions of relative paracompactness defined by locally finite (not necessarily open) partial refinement or locally finite closed partial refinement, and also consider closure-preserving cases, such...

Some versions of second countability of metric spaces in ZF and their role to compactness

Kyriakos Keremedis (2018)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In the realm of metric spaces we show in ZF that: (i) A metric space is compact if and only if it is countably compact and for every ε > 0 , every cover by open balls of radius ε has a countable subcover. (ii) Every second countable metric space has a countable base consisting of open balls if and only if the axiom of countable choice restricted to subsets of holds true. (iii) A countably compact metric space is separable if and only if it is second countable.

Some weak covering properties and infinite games

Masami Sakai (2014)

Open Mathematics

We show that (I) there is a Lindelöf space which is not weakly Menger, (II) there is a Menger space for which TWO does not have a winning strategy in the game Gfin(O,Do). These affirmatively answer questions posed in Babinkostova, Pansera and Scheepers [Babinkostova L., Pansera B.A., Scheepers M., Weak covering properties and infinite games, Topology Appl., 2012, 159(17), 3644–3657]. The result (I) automatically gives an affirmative answer of Wingers’ problem [Wingers L., Box products and Hurewicz...

Somme Ponctuelle D'operateurs Maximaux Monotones Pointwise Sum of two Maximal Monotone Operators

Attouch, H., Riahi, H., Théra, M. (1996)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

∗ Cette recherche a été partiellement subventionnée, en ce qui concerne le premier et le dernier auteur, par la bourse OTAN CRG 960360 et pour le second auteur par l’Action Intégrée 95/0849 entre les universités de Marrakech, Rabat et Montpellier.The primary goal of this paper is to shed some light on the maximality of the pointwise sum of two maximal monotone operators. The interesting purpose is to extend some recent results of Attouch, Moudafi and Riahi on the graph-convergence of maximal monotone...

Space of Baire functions. I

J. E. Jayne (1974)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Several equivalent conditions are given for the existence of real-valued Baire functions of all classes on a type of K -analytic spaces, called disjoint analytic spaces, and on all pseudocompact spaces. The sequential stability index for the Banach space of bounded continuous real-valued functions on these spaces is shown to be either 0 , 1 , or Ω (the first uncountable ordinal). In contrast, the space of bounded real-valued Baire functions of class 1 is shown to contain closed linear subspaces with index...

Spaces in which compact subsets are closed and the lattice of T 1 -topologies on a set

Ofelia Teresa Alas, Richard Gordon Wilson (2002)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We obtain some new properties of the class of KC-spaces, that is, those topological spaces in which compact sets are closed. The results are used to generalize theorems of Anderson [1] and Steiner and Steiner [12] concerning complementation in the lattice of T 1 -topologies on a set X .

Currently displaying 561 – 580 of 838