Displaying 41 – 60 of 279

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Martin’s Axiom and ω -resolvability of Baire spaces

Fidel Casarrubias-Segura, Fernando Hernández-Hernández, Angel Tamariz-Mascarúa (2010)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We prove that, assuming MA, every crowded T 0 space X is ω -resolvable if it satisfies one of the following properties: (1) it contains a π -network of cardinality < 𝔠 constituted by infinite sets, (2) χ ( X ) < 𝔠 , (3) X is a T 2 Baire space and c ( X ) 0 and (4) X is a T 1 Baire space and has a network 𝒩 with cardinality < 𝔠 and such that the collection of the finite elements in it constitutes a σ -locally finite family. Furthermore, we prove that the existence of a T 1 Baire irresolvable space is equivalent to the existence of...

Maximal distributional chaos of weighted shift operators on Köthe sequence spaces

Xinxing Wu (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

During the last ten some years, many research works were devoted to the chaotic behavior of the weighted shift operator on the Köthe sequence space. In this note, a sufficient condition ensuring that the weighted shift operator B w n : λ p ( A ) λ p ( A ) defined on the Köthe sequence space λ p ( A ) exhibits distributional ϵ -chaos for any 0 < ϵ < diam λ p ( A ) and any n is obtained. Under this assumption, the principal measure of B w n is equal to 1. In particular, every Devaney chaotic shift operator exhibits distributional ϵ -chaos for any 0 < ϵ < diam λ p ( A ) .

Maximal equicontinuous factors and cohomology for tiling spaces

Marcy Barge, Johannes Kellendonk, Scott Schmieding (2012)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study the homomorphism induced on cohomology by the maximal equicontinuous factor map of a tiling space. We will see that in degree one this map is injective and has torsion free cokernel. We show by example, however, that, in degree one, the cohomology of the maximal equicontinuous factor may not be a direct summand of the tiling cohomology.

Maximal free sequences in a Boolean algebra

J. D. Monk (2011)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We study free sequences and related notions on Boolean algebras. A free sequence on a BA A is a sequence a ξ : ξ < α of elements of A , with α an ordinal, such that for all F , G [ α ] < ω with F < G we have ξ F a ξ · ξ G - a ξ 0 . A free sequence of length α exists iff the Stone space Ult ( A ) has a free sequence of length α in the topological sense. A free sequence is maximal iff it cannot be extended at the end to a longer free sequence. The main notions studied here are the spectrum function 𝔣 sp ( A ) = { | α | : A has an infinite maximal free sequence of length α } and the associated min-max function 𝔣 ( A ) = min ( 𝔣 sp ( A ) ) . Among the results...

Maximal nowhere dense P -sets in basically disconnected spaces and F -spaces

Andrey V. Koldunov, Aleksandr I. Veksler (2001)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In [5] the following question was put: are there any maximal n.d. sets in ω * ? Already in [9] the negative answer (under MA) to this question was obtained. Moreover, in [9] it was shown that no P -set can be maximal n.d. In the present paper the notion of a maximal n.d. P -set is introduced and it is proved that under CH there is no such a set in ω * . The main results are Theorem 1.10 and especially Theorem 2.7(ii) (with Example in Section 3) in which the problem of the existence of maximal n.d. P -sets...

Maximal pseudocompact spaces

Jack R. Porter, Robert M., Jr. Stephenson, Grant R. Woods (1994)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Maximal pseudocompact spaces (i.e. pseudocompact spaces possessing no strictly stronger pseudocompact topology) are characterized. It is shown that submaximal pseudocompact spaces whose pseudocompact subspaces are closed need not be maximal pseudocompact. Various techniques for constructing maximal pseudocompact spaces are described. Maximal pseudocompactness is compared to maximal feeble compactness.

Maximal pseudocompact spaces and the Preiss-Simon property

Ofelia Alas, Vladimir Tkachuk, Richard Wilson (2014)

Open Mathematics

We study maximal pseudocompact spaces calling them also MP-spaces. We show that the product of a maximal pseudocompact space and a countable compact space is maximal pseudocompact. If X is hereditarily maximal pseudocompact then X × Y is hereditarily maximal pseudocompact for any first countable compact space Y. It turns out that hereditary maximal pseudocompactness coincides with the Preiss-Simon property in countably compact spaces. In compact spaces, hereditary MP-property is invariant under...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 279