Displaying 281 – 300 of 576

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On the AJ conjecture for cables of twist knots

Anh T. Tran (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study the AJ conjecture that relates the A-polynomial and the colored Jones polynomial of a knot in S³. We confirm the AJ conjecture for (r,2)-cables of the m-twist knot, for all odd integers r satisfying ⎧ (r+8)(r−8m) > 0 if m > 0, ⎨ ⎩ r(r+8m−4) > 0 if m < 0.

On the Betti numbers of the real part of a three-dimensional torus embedding

Jan Ratajski (1993)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let X be the three-dimensional, complete, nonsingular, complex torus embedding corresponding to a fan S 3 and let V be the real part of X (for definitions see [1] or [3]). The aim of this note is to give a simple combinatorial formula for calculating the Betti numbers of V.

On the boundary of 2-dimensional ideal polyhedra

Emmanuel Vrontakis (2006)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

It is proved that for every two points in the visual boundary of the universal covering of a 2 -dimensional ideal polyhedron, there is an infinity of paths joining them.

On the Cantor-Bendixson rank of metabelian groups

Yves Cornulier (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We study the Cantor-Bendixson rank of metabelian and virtually metabelian groups in the space of marked groups, and in particular, we exhibit a sequence ( G n ) of 2-generated, finitely presented, virtually metabelian groups of Cantor-Bendixson rank  ω n .

On the Cech bicomplex associated with foliated structures

Haruo Kitahara, Shinsuke Yorozu (1978)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

For a codimension q foliation on a manifold, η × ( d η ) q defines the Godbillon-Vey class. We show that η itself defines a certain cohomology class, via the Cech bicomplex.

Currently displaying 281 – 300 of 576