Displaying 301 – 320 of 576

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On the cohomology of vector fields on parallelizable manifolds

Yuly Billig, Karl-Hermann Neeb (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In the present paper we determine for each parallelizable smooth compact manifold M the second cohomology spaces of the Lie algebra 𝒱 M of smooth vector fields on M with values in the module Ω ¯ M p = Ω M p / d Ω M p - 1 . The case of p = 1 is of particular interest since the gauge algebra of functions on M with values in a finite-dimensional simple Lie algebra has the universal central extension with center Ω ¯ M 1 , generalizing affine Kac-Moody algebras. The second cohomology H 2 ( 𝒱 M , Ω ¯ M 1 ) classifies twists of the semidirect product of 𝒱 M with the...

On the colored Jones polynomials of ribbon links, boundary links and Brunnian links

Sakie Suzuki (2014)

Banach Center Publications

Habiro gave principal ideals of [ q , q - 1 ] in which certain linear combinations of the colored Jones polynomials of algebraically-split links take values. The author proved that the same linear combinations for ribbon links, boundary links and Brunnian links are contained in smaller ideals of [ q , q - 1 ] generated by several elements. In this paper, we prove that these ideals also are principal, each generated by a product of cyclotomic polynomials.

On the complex analytic Gel'fand-Fuks cohomology of open Riemann surfaces

Nariya Kawazumi (1993)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

The continuous cohomology theory of the Lie algebra L ( M ) of complex analytic vector fields on an open Riemann surface M is studied. We show that the cohomology group with coefficients in the L ( M ) -module of germs of complex analytic tensor fields on the product space M n decomposes into the global part derived from the homology of M and the local part coming from the coefficients.

On the complexity of braids

Ivan Dynnikov, Bert Wiest (2007)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We define a measure of “complexity” of a braid which is natural with respect to both an algebraic and a geometric point of view. Algebraically, we modify the standard notion of the length of a braid by introducing generators i j , which are Garside-like half-twists involving strings i through j , and by counting powered generators Δ i j k as log ( | k | + 1 ) instead of simply | k | . The geometrical complexity is some natural measure of the amount of distortion of the n times punctured disk caused by a homeomorphism. Our main...

On the conformal relation between twistors and Killing spinors

Friedrich, Thomas (1990)

Proceedings of the Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

[For the entire collection see Zbl 0699.00032.] The author considers the conformal relation between twistors and spinors on a Riemannian spin manifold of dimension n 3 . A first integral is constructed for a twistor spinor and various geometric properties of the spin manifold are deduced. The notions of a conformal deformation and a Killing spinor are considered and such a deformation of a twistor spinor into a Killing spinor and conditions for the equivalence of these quantities is indicated.

On the connectedness of boundary and complement for domains

Andrzej Czarnecki, Marcin Kulczycki, Wojciech Lubawski (2011)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

This article gives a short and elementary proof of the fact that the connectedness of the boundary of an open domain in ℝⁿ is equivalent to the connectedness of its complement.

On the connectivity of skeletons of pseudomanifolds with boundary

R. Ayala, M. J. Chávez, Alberto Márquez, Antonio Quintero (2002)

Mathematica Bohemica

In this note we show that 1 -skeletons and 2 -skeletons of n -pseudomanifolds with full boundary are ( n + 1 ) -connected graphs and n -connected 2 -complexes, respectively. This generalizes previous results due to Barnette and Woon.

Currently displaying 301 – 320 of 576