Displaying 101 – 120 of 558

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The diffeomorphism group of a Lie foliation

Gilbert Hector, Enrique Macías-Virgós, Antonio Sotelo-Armesto (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We describe explicitly the group of transverse diffeomorphisms of several types of minimal linear foliations on the torus T n , n 2 . We show in particular that non-quadratic foliations are rigid, in the sense that their only transverse diffeomorphisms are ± Id and translations. The description derives from a general formula valid for the group of transverse diffeomorphisms of any minimal Lie foliation on a compact manifold. Our results generalize those of P. Donato and P. Iglesias for T 2 , P. Iglesias and...

The directional dimension of subanalytic sets is invariant under bi-Lipschitz homeomorphisms

Satoshi Koike, Laurentiu Paunescu (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let A n be a set-germ at 0 n such that 0 A ¯ . We say that r S n - 1 is a direction of A at 0 n if there is a sequence of points { x i } A { 0 } tending to 0 n such that x i x i r as i . Let D ( A ) denote the set of all directions of A at 0 n .Let A , B n be subanalytic set-germs at 0 n such that 0 A ¯ B ¯ . We study the problem of whether the dimension of the common direction set, dim ( D ( A ) D ( B ) ) is preserved by bi-Lipschitz homeomorphisms. We show that although it is not true in general, it is preserved if the images of A and B are also subanalytic. In particular if two subanalytic...

The discriminant and oscillation lengths for contact and Legendrian isotopies

Vincent Colin, Sheila Sandon (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We define an integer-valued non-degenerate bi-invariant metric (the discriminant metric) on the universal cover of the identity component of the contactomorphism group of any contact manifold. This metric has a very simple geometric definition, based on the notion of discriminant points of contactomorphisms. Using generating functions we prove that the discriminant metric is unbounded for the standard contact structures on 2 n × S 1 and P 2 n + 1 . On the other hand we also show by elementary arguments that the...

The end curve theorem for normal complex surface singularities

Walter D. Neumann, Jonathan Wahl (2010)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We prove the “End Curve Theorem,” which states that a normal surface singularity ( X , o ) with rational homology sphere link Σ is a splice quotient singularity if and only if it has an end curve function for each leaf of a good resolution tree. An “end curve function” is an analytic function ( X , o ) ( , 0 ) whose zero set intersects Σ in the knot given by a meridian curve of the exceptional curve corresponding to the given leaf. A “splice quotient singularity” ( X , o ) is described by giving an explicit set of equations describing...

The equation [B,(A-1)(A,B)] = 0 and virtual knots and links

Stephen Budden, Roger Fenn (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let A, B be invertible, non-commuting elements of a ring R. Suppose that A-1 is also invertible and that the equation [B,(A-1)(A,B)] = 0 called the fundamental equation is satisfied. Then this defines a representation of the algebra ℱ = A, B | [B,(A-1)(A,B)] = 0. An invariant R-module can then be defined for any diagram of a (virtual) knot or link. This halves the number of previously known relations and allows us to give a complete solution in the case when R is the quaternions.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 558