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Entropy of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian in dimension 2

Gabriel Rivière (2010)

Journées Équations aux dérivées partielles

We study asymptotic properties of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on compact Riemannian surfaces of Anosov type (for instance negatively curved surfaces). More precisely, we give an answer to a question of Anantharaman and Nonnenmacher [4] by proving that the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy of a semiclassical measure μ for the geodesic flow g t is bounded from below by half of the Ruelle upper bound. (This text has been written for the proceedings of the 37 èmes Journées EDP (Port d’Albret-June, 7-11 2010))

Entropy solutions to parabolic equations in Musielak framework involving non coercivity term in divergence form

Mohamed Saad Bouh Elemine Vall, Ahmed Ahmed, Abdelfattah Touzani, Abdelmoujib Benkirane (2018)

Mathematica Bohemica

We prove the existence of solutions to nonlinear parabolic problems of the following type: b ( u ) t + A ( u ) = f + div ( Θ ( x ; t ; u ) ) in Q , u ( x ; t ) = 0 on Ω × [ 0 ; T ] , b ( u ) ( t = 0 ) = b ( u 0 ) on Ω , where b : is a strictly increasing function of class 𝒞 1 , the term A ( u ) = - div ( a ( x , t , u , u ) ) is an operator of Leray-Lions type which satisfies the classical Leray-Lions assumptions of Musielak type, Θ : Ω × [ 0 ; T ] × is a Carathéodory, noncoercive function which satisfies the following condition: sup | s | k | Θ ( · , · , s ) | E ψ ( Q ) for all k > 0 , where ψ is the Musielak complementary function of Θ , and the second term f belongs to L 1 ( Q ) .

Enveloppe galoisienne d'une application rationnelle de P1.

Guy Casale (2006)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In 2001, B. Malgrange defines the D-envelope or galoisian envelope of an analytical dynamical system. Roughly speaking, this is the algebraic hull of the dynamical system. In this short article, the D-envelope of a rational map R: P1 --> P1 is computed. The rational maps characterised by a finitness property of their D-envelope appear to be the integrable ones.

Equations de Fokker-Planck géométriques II : estimations hypoelliptiques maximales

Gilles Lebeau (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Nous donnons des résultats analytiques sur les propriétés de régularité du laplacien hypoelliptique de Jean-Michel Bismut et plus généralement sur les opérateurs P de type Fokker-Planck géométrique agissant sur le fibré cotangent Σ = T * X d’une variété riemannienne compacte X . En particulier, nous prouvons un résultat d’hypoellipticité maximale pour P , et nous en déduisons des bornes sur la localisation de ses valeurs spectrales.

Equidistribution of cusp forms on PSL 2 ( 𝐙 ) PSL 2 ( 𝐑 )

Dmitri Jakobson (1997)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We prove a microlocal version of the equidistribution theorem for Wigner distributions associated to cusp forms on PSL 2 ( Z ) PSL 2 ( R ) . This generalizes a recent result of W. Luo and P. Sarnak who prove equidistribution on PSL 2 ( Z ) H .

Equivalence of differentiable functions, rational functions and polynomials

Masahito Shiota (1982)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We show under some assumptions that a differentiable function can be transformed globally to a polynomial or a rational function by some diffeomorphism. One of the assumptions is that the function is proper, the number of critical points is finite, and the Milnor number of the germ at each critical point is finite.

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