Displaying 281 – 300 of 1208

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On estimation of intrinsic volume densities of stationary random closed sets via parallel sets in the plane

Tomáš Mrkvička, Jan Rataj (2009)


A method of estimation of intrinsic volume densities for stationary random closed sets in d based on estimating volumes of tiny collars has been introduced in T. Mrkvička and J. Rataj, On estimation of intrinsic volume densities of stationary random closed sets, Stoch. Proc. Appl. 118 (2008), 2, 213-231. In this note, a stronger asymptotic consistency is proved in dimension 2. The implementation of the method is discussed in detail. An important step is the determination of dilation radii in the...

On European option pricing under partial information

Meng Wu, Jue Lu, Nan-jing Huang (2016)

Applications of Mathematics

We consider a European option pricing problem under a partial information market, i.e., only the security's price can be observed, the rate of return and the noise source in the market cannot be observed. To make the problem tractable, we focus on gap option which is a generalized form of the classical European option. By using the stochastic analysis and filtering technique, we derive a Black-Scholes formula for gap option pricing with dividends under partial information. Finally, we apply filtering...

On Existence of Local Martingale Measures for Insiders who Can Stop at Honest Times

Jakub Zwierz (2007)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We consider a market with two types of agents with different levels of information. In addition to a regular agent, there is an insider whose additional knowledge consists of being able to stop at an honest time Λ. We show, using the multiplicative decomposition of the Azéma supermartingale, that if the martingale part of the price process has the predictable representation property and Λ satisfies some mild assumptions, then there is no equivalent local martingale measure for the insider. This...

On exit laws for semigroups in weak duality

Imed Bachar (2001)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let : = ( P t ) t > 0 be a measurable semigroup and m a σ -finite positive measure on a Lusin space X . An m -exit law for is a family ( f t ) t > 0 of nonnegative measurable functions on X which are finite m -a.e. and satisfy for each s , t > 0 P s ...

On exit laws for subordinated semigroups by means of 𝒞 1 -subordinators

Mohamed Hmissi, Ezzedine Mliki (2010)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We study the integral representation of potentials by exit laws in the framework of sub-Markovian semigroups of bounded operators acting on L 2 ( m ) . We mainly investigate subordinated semigroups in the Bochner sense by means of 𝒞 1 -subordinators. By considering the one-sided stable subordinators, we deduce an integral representation for the original semigroup.

On extremal dependence of block vectors

Helena Ferreira, Marta Ferreira (2012)


Due to globalization and relaxed market regulation, we have assisted to an increasing of extremal dependence in international markets. As a consequence, several measures of tail dependence have been stated in literature in recent years, based on multivariate extreme-value theory. In this paper we present a tail dependence function and an extremal coefficient of dependence between two random vectors that extend existing ones. We shall see that in weakening the usual required dependence allows to...

Currently displaying 281 – 300 of 1208