Displaying 1061 – 1080 of 1206

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On uniform tail expansions of multivariate copulas and wide convergence of measures

Piotr Jaworski (2006)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The theory of copulas provides a useful tool for modeling dependence in risk management. In insurance and finance, as well as in other applications, dependence of extreme events is particularly important, hence there is a need for a detailed study of the tail behaviour of multivariate copulas. We investigate the class of copulas having regular tails with a uniform expansion. We present several equivalent characterizations of uniform tail expansions. Next, basing on them, we determine the class of...

On unique extension of time changed reflecting brownian motions

Zhen-Qing Chen, Masatoshi Fukushima (2009)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Let D be an unbounded domain in ℝd with d≥3. We show that if D contains an unbounded uniform domain, then the symmetric reflecting brownian motion (RBM) on ̅D is transient. Next assume that RBM X on ̅D is transient and let Y be its time change by Revuz measure 1D(x)m(x) dx for a strictly positive continuous integrable function m on ̅D. We further show that if there is some r>0 so that D∖̅B̅(̅0̅,̅ ̅r̅) is an unbounded uniform domain, then Y admits one and only one symmetric diffusion that...

On univariate and bivariate aging for dependent lifetimes with Archimedean survival copulas

Franco Pellerey (2008)


Let 𝐗 = ( X , Y ) be a pair of exchangeable lifetimes whose dependence structure is described by an Archimedean survival copula, and let 𝐗 t = [ ( X - t , Y - t ) | X > t , Y > t ] denotes the corresponding pair of residual lifetimes after time t , with t 0 . This note deals with stochastic comparisons between 𝐗 and 𝐗 t : we provide sufficient conditions for their comparison in usual stochastic and lower orthant orders. Some of the results and examples presented here are quite unexpected, since they show that there is not a direct correspondence between univariate...

On useful schema in survival analysis after heart attack

Czesław Stępniak (2014)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

Recent model of lifetime after a heart attack involves some integer coefficients. Our goal is to get these coefficients in simple way and transparent form. To this aim we construct a schema according to a rule which combines the ideas used in the Pascal triangle and the generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers

On valuation of derivative securities: A Lie group analytical approach

Phillip S. C. Yam, Hailiang Yang (2006)

Applications of Mathematics

This paper proposes a Lie group analytical approach to tackle the problem of pricing derivative securities. By exploiting the infinitesimal symmetries of the Boundary Value Problem (BVP) satisfied by the price of a derivative security, our method provides an effective algorithm for obtaining its explicit solution.

Currently displaying 1061 – 1080 of 1206