Displaying 1081 – 1100 of 1206

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On Weak Tail Domination of Random Vectors

Rafał Latała (2009)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

Motivated by a question of Krzysztof Oleszkiewicz we study a notion of weak tail domination of random vectors. We show that if the dominating random variable is sufficiently regular then weak tail domination implies strong tail domination. In particular, a positive answer to Oleszkiewicz's question would follow from the so-called Bernoulli conjecture. We also prove that any unconditional logarithmically concave distribution is strongly dominated by a product symmetric exponential measure.

On weighted U-statistics for stationary random fields

Jana Klicnarová (2017)


The aim of this paper is to introduce a central limit theorem and an invariance principle for weighted U-statistics based on stationary random fields. Hsing and Wu (2004) in their paper introduced some asymptotic results for weighted U-statistics based on stationary processes. We show that it is possible also to extend their results for weighted U -statistics based on stationary random fields.

On Wiener–Hopf factors for stable processes

Piotr Graczyk, Tomasz Jakubowski (2011)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We give a series representation of the logarithm of the bivariate Laplace exponent κ of α-stable processes for almost all α ∈ (0, 2].

One-dimensional finite range random walk in random medium and invariant measure equation

Julien Brémont (2009)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We consider a model of random walks on ℤ with finite range in a stationary and ergodic random environment. We first provide a fine analysis of the geometrical properties of the central left and right Lyapunov eigenvectors of the random matrix naturally associated with the random walk, highlighting the mechanism of the model. This allows us to formulate a criterion for the existence of the absolutely continuous invariant measure for the environments seen from the particle. We then deduce a characterization...

Currently displaying 1081 – 1100 of 1206