Displaying 321 – 340 of 469

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Statistical models for deformable templates in image and shape analysis

Stéphanie Allassonnière, Jérémie Bigot, Joan Alexis Glaunès, Florian Maire, Frédéric J.P. Richard (2013)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

High dimensional data are more and more frequent in many application fields. It becomes particularly important to be able to extract meaningful features from these data sets. Deformable template model is a popular way to achieve this. This paper is a review on the statistical aspects of this model as well as its generalizations. We describe the different mathematical frameworks to handle different data types as well as the deformations. We recall the theoretical convergence properties of the estimators...

Statistical models to study subtoxic concentrations for some standard mutagens in three colon cancer cell lines.

Xavier Bardina, Laura Fernández, Elisabet Piñeiro, Jordi Surrallés, Antonia Velázquez (2006)


The aim of this work is to propose models to study the toxic effect of different concentrations of some standard mutagens in different colon cancer cell lines. We find estimates and, by means of an inverse regression problem, confidence intervals for the subtoxic concentration, that is the concentration that reduces by thirty percent the number of colonies obtained in the absence of mutagen.

Statistical procedures for spatial point pattern recognition.

Jorge Mateu (2002)


Spatial structures in the form of point patterns arise in many different contexts, and in most of them the key goal concerns the detection and recognition of the underlying spatial pattern. Particularly interesting is the case of pattern analysis with replicated data in two or more experimental groups. This paper compares design-based and model-based approaches to the analysis of this kind of spatial data. Basic questions about pattern detection concern estimating the properties of the underlying...

Statistical tools for discovering pseudo-periodicities in biological sequences

Bernard Prum, Élisabeth de Turckheim, Martin Vingron (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Many protein sequences present non trivial periodicities, such as cysteine signatures and leucine heptads. These known periodicities probably represent a small percentage of the total number of sequences periodic structures, and it is useful to have general tools to detect such sequences and their period in large databases of sequences. We compare three statistics adapted from those used in time series analysis: a generalisation of the simple autocovariance based on a similarity score and two statistics...

Statistical tools for discovering pseudo-periodicities in biological sequences

Bernard Prum, Élisabeth de Turckheim, Martin Vingron (2001)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Many protein sequences present non trivial periodicities, such as cysteine signatures and leucine heptads. These known periodicities probably represent a small percentage of the total number of sequences periodic structures, and it is useful to have general tools to detect such sequences and their period in large databases of sequences. We compare three statistics adapted from those used in time series analysis: a generalisation of the simple autocovariance based on a similarity score and two statistics...

Štatistické modelovanie javu El Niño - Južná oscilácia v klimatológii

Nikola Jajcay, Milan Paluš (2017)

Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie

Pri modelovaní v klimatológii a meteorológii rozlišujeme dva základné druhy modelov — dynamické a štatistické. Dynamické modely majú fyzikálny základ, ktorý pozostáva z diskretizovaných diferenciálnych rovníc a súčasného stavu ako počiatočnej podmienky a následne modelujú stav systému integrovaním týchto rovníc v čase. Štatistické modely sú už v základe odlišné: ich fungovanie sa nezakladá na fyzikálnych mechanizmoch tvoriacich dynamiku modelovaného systému, ale sú odvodené z analýzy chodu počasia...

Statistické testování hypotéz třikrát jinak

Petr Emanovský (2022)

Učitel matematiky

Za jednu z největších kontroverzí v historii statistiky je považován spor o správné provádění testů statistické významnosti. Počátky tohoto sporu lze zaznamenat již v první polovině 20. století. Na jedné straně zde stojí významný anglický statistik R. A. Fisher a proti němu polský matematik J. Neyman spolu s anglickým statistikem E. Pearsonem. Spojením těchto dvou přístupů nakonec vznikla metoda statistického testování nulové hypotézy (NHST), která je dnes běžně používána v empirickém výzkumu. Článek...

Currently displaying 321 – 340 of 469