Displaying 341 – 360 of 469

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Stereology of extremes; size of spheroids

Daniel Hlubinka (2003)

Mathematica Bohemica

The prediction of size extremes in Wicksell’s corpuscle problem with oblate spheroids is considered. Three-dimensional particles are represented by their planar sections (profiles) and the problem is to predict their extremal size under the assumption of a constant shape factor. The stability of the domain of attraction of the size extremes is proved under the tail equivalence condition. A simple procedure is proposed of evaluating the normalizing constants from the tail behaviour of appropriate...

Stochastic algorithm for Bayesian mixture effect template estimation

Stéphanie Allassonnière, Estelle Kuhn (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

The estimation of probabilistic deformable template models in computer vision or of probabilistic atlases in Computational Anatomy are core issues in both fields. A first coherent statistical framework where the geometrical variability is modelled as a hidden random variable has been given by [S. Allassonnière et al., J. Roy. Stat. Soc.69 (2007) 3–29]. They introduce a Bayesian approach and mixture of them to estimate deformable template models. A consistent stochastic algorithm has been introduced...

Stochastic approximations of the solution of a full Boltzmann equation with small initial data

Sylvie Meleard (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

This paper gives an approximation of the solution of the Boltzmann equation by stochastic interacting particle systems in a case of cut-off collision operator and small initial data. In this case, following the ideas of Mischler and Perthame, we prove the existence and uniqueness of the solution of this equation and also the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the associated nonlinear martingale problem. 
Then, we first delocalize the interaction by considering a mollified Boltzmann...

Stochastic comparison of multivariate random sums

Rafał Kulik (2003)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We establish preservation results for the stochastic comparison of multivariate random sums of stationary, not necessarily independent, sequences of nonnegative random variables. We consider convex-type orderings, i.e. convex, coordinatewise convex, upper orthant convex and directionally convex orderings. Our theorems generalize the well-known results for the stochastic ordering of random sums of independent random variables.

Stochastic comparisons of moment estimators of gamma distribution parameters

Piotr Nowak (2012)

Applicationes Mathematicae

Recently the order preserving property of estimators has been intensively studied, e.g. by Gan and Balakrishnan and collaborators. In this paper we prove the stochastic monotonicity of moment estimators of gamma distribution parameters using the standard coupling method and majorization theory. We also give some properties of the moment estimator of the shape parameter and derive an approximate confidence interval for this parameter.

Stochastic domination for iterated convolutions and catalytic majorization

Guillaume Aubrun, Ion Nechita (2009)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We study how iterated convolutions of probability measures compare under stochastic domination. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of an integer n such that μ*n is stochastically dominated by ν*n for two given probability measures μ and ν. As a consequence we obtain a similar theorem on the majorization order for vectors in Rd. In particular we prove results about catalysis in quantum information theory.

Stochastic models of progression of cancer andtheir use in controlling cancer-related mortality

Marek Kimmel, Olga Gorlova (2003)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

A construction of a realistic statistical model of lung cancer risk and progression is proposed. The essential elements of the model are genetic and behavioral determinants of susceptibility, progression of the disease from precursor lesions through early (localized) tumors to disseminated disease, detection by various modalities, and medical intervention. Using model estimates as a foundation, mortality reduction caused by early-detection and intervention programs can be predicted under different...

Currently displaying 341 – 360 of 469