Displaying 261 – 280 of 9144

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A finite element method on composite grids based on Nitsche’s method

Anita Hansbo, Peter Hansbo, Mats G. Larson (2003)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

In this paper we propose a finite element method for the approximation of second order elliptic problems on composite grids. The method is based on continuous piecewise polynomial approximation on each grid and weak enforcement of the proper continuity at an artificial interface defined by edges (or faces) of one the grids. We prove optimal order a priori and energy type a posteriori error estimates in 2 and 3 space dimensions, and present some numerical examples.

A finite element method on composite grids based on Nitsche's method

Anita Hansbo, Peter Hansbo, Mats G. Larson (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this paper we propose a finite element method for the approximation of second order elliptic problems on composite grids. The method is based on continuous piecewise polynomial approximation on each grid and weak enforcement of the proper continuity at an artificial interface defined by edges (or faces) of one the grids. We prove optimal order a priori and energy type a posteriori error estimates in 2 and 3 space dimensions, and present some numerical examples.

A Finite Element Model Based on Discontinuous Galerkin Methods on Moving Grids for Vertebrate Limb Pattern Formation

J. Zhu, Y.-T. Zhang, S. A. Newman, M. S. Alber (2009)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Skeletal patterning in the vertebrate limb, i.e., the spatiotemporal regulation of cartilage differentiation (chondrogenesis) during embryogenesis and regeneration, is one of the best studied examples of a multicellular developmental process. Recently [Alber et al., The morphostatic limit for a model of skeletal pattern formation in the vertebrate limb, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2008, v70, pp. 460-483], a simplified two-equation reaction-diffusion system was developed to describe the interaction...

A finite volume method for the Laplace equation on almost arbitrary two-dimensional grids

Komla Domelevo, Pascal Omnes (2005)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We present a finite volume method based on the integration of the Laplace equation on both the cells of a primal almost arbitrary two-dimensional mesh and those of a dual mesh obtained by joining the centers of the cells of the primal mesh. The key ingredient is the definition of discrete gradient and divergence operators verifying a discrete Green formula. This method generalizes an existing finite volume method that requires “Voronoi-type” meshes. We show the equivalence of this finite volume...

A finite volume method for the Laplace equation on almost arbitrary two-dimensional grids

Komla Domelevo, Pascal Omnes (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We present a finite volume method based on the integration of the Laplace equation on both the cells of a primal almost arbitrary two-dimensional mesh and those of a dual mesh obtained by joining the centers of the cells of the primal mesh. The key ingredient is the definition of discrete gradient and divergence operators verifying a discrete Green formula. This method generalizes an existing finite volume method that requires “Voronoi-type” meshes. We show the equivalence of this finite volume...

A fixed point method to compute solvents of matrix polynomials

Fernando Marcos, Edgar Pereira (2010)

Mathematica Bohemica

Matrix polynomials play an important role in the theory of matrix differential equations. We develop a fixed point method to compute solutions of matrix polynomials equations, where the matricial elements of the matrix polynomial are considered separately as complex polynomials. Numerical examples illustrate the method presented.

A Fortin operator for two-dimensional Taylor-Hood elements

Richard S. Falk (2008)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

A standard method for proving the inf-sup condition implying stability of finite element approximations for the stationary Stokes equations is to construct a Fortin operator. In this paper, we show how this can be done for two-dimensional triangular and rectangular Taylor-Hood methods, which use continuous piecewise polynomial approximations for both velocity and pressure.

A full discretization of the time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations by a two-grid scheme

Hyam Abboud, Toni Sayah (2008)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We study a two-grid scheme fully discrete in time and space for solving the Navier-Stokes system. In the first step, the fully non-linear problem is discretized in space on a coarse grid with mesh-size H and time step k. In the second step, the problem is discretized in space on a fine grid with mesh-size h and the same time step, and linearized around the velocity uH computed in the first step. The two-grid strategy is motivated by the fact that under suitable assumptions, the contribution of uH...

Currently displaying 261 – 280 of 9144