Displaying 301 – 320 of 362

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Multichannel deblurring of digital images

Michal Šorel, Filip Šroubek, Jan Flusser (2011)


Blur is a common problem that limits the effective resolution of many imaging systems. In this article, we give a general overview of methods that can be used to reduce the blur. This includes the classical multi-channel deconvolution problems as well as challenging extensions to spatially varying blur. The proposed methods are formulated as energy minimization problems with specific regularization terms on images and blurs. Experiments on real data illustrate very good and stable performance of...

Multicomponent flow in a porous medium. Adsorption and Soret effect phenomena : local study and upscaling process

Serge Blancher, René Creff, Gérard Gagneux, Bruno Lacabanne, François Montel, David Trujillo (2001)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Our aim here is to study the thermal diffusion phenomenon in a forced convective flow. A system of nonlinear parabolic equations governs the evolution of the mass fractions in multicomponent mixtures. Some existence and uniqueness results are given under suitable conditions on state functions. Then, we present a numerical scheme based on a “mixed finite element” method adapted to a finite volume scheme, of which we give numerical analysis. In a last part, we apply an homogenization technique to...

Multicomponent flow in a porous medium. Adsorption and Soret effect phenomena: local study and upscaling process

Serge Blancher, René Creff, Gérard Gagneux, Bruno Lacabanne, François Montel, David Trujillo (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Our aim here is to study the thermal diffusion phenomenon in a forced convective flow. A system of nonlinear parabolic equations governs the evolution of the mass fractions in multicomponent mixtures. Some existence and uniqueness results are given under suitable conditions on state functions. Then, we present a numerical scheme based on a "mixed finite element"method adapted to a finite volume scheme, of which we give numerical analysis. In a last part, we apply an homogenization technique to...

Multilevel correction adaptive finite element method for semilinear elliptic equation

Qun Lin, Hehu Xie, Fei Xu (2015)

Applications of Mathematics

A type of adaptive finite element method is presented for semilinear elliptic problems based on multilevel correction scheme. The main idea of the method is to transform the semilinear elliptic equation into a sequence of linearized boundary value problems on the adaptive partitions and some semilinear elliptic problems on very low dimensional finite element spaces. Hence, solving the semilinear elliptic problem can reach almost the same efficiency as the adaptive method for the associated boundary...

Currently displaying 301 – 320 of 362