Displaying 341 – 360 of 497

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Estimators of the asymptotic variance of stationary point processes - a comparison

Michaela Prokešová (2011)


We investigate estimators of the asymptotic variance σ 2 of a d –dimensional stationary point process Ψ which can be observed in convex and compact sampling window W n = n W . Asymptotic variance of Ψ is defined by the asymptotic relation V a r ( Ψ ( W n ) ) σ 2 | W n | (as n ) and its existence is guaranteed whenever the corresponding reduced covariance measure γ red ( 2 ) ( · ) has finite total variation. The three estimators discussed in the paper are the kernel estimator, the estimator based on the second order intesity of the point process and the...

Estudio computacional de algunos nuevos algoritmos heurísticos para el problema de planificación de proyectos con limitación de recursos.

Ramón Alvarez-Olaguibel, José Manuel Tamarit Goerlich, Vicente Valls Verdejo (1988)

Trabajos de Investigación Operativa

El trabajo describe dos métodos de diseño de algoritmos heurísticos para el problema de planificación de un proyecto con limitación de recursos. El primer método es constructivo: las actividades del proyecto se intentan incorporar a la secuencia posible tan pronto como lo permiten sus relaciones de precedencia, resolviendo de diversas formas los conflictos provocados por la limitación de recursos. El segundo enfoque está basado en la idea de incorporar arcos disjuntos para resolver las incompatibilidades...

Estudio de algunas secuencias pseudoaleatorias de aplicación criptográfica.

P. Caballero Gil, A. Fúster Sabater (1998)

Revista Matemática Complutense

Pseudorandom binary sequences are required in stream ciphers and other applications of modern communication systems. In the first case it is essential that the sequences be unpredictable. The linear complexity of a sequence is the amount of it required to define the remainder. This work addresses the problem of the analysis and computation of the linear complexity of certain pseudorandom binary sequences. Finally we conclude some characteristics of the nonlinear function that produces the sequences...

Etude de la vitesse de convergence de l'algorithme en cascade dans la construction des ondelettes d'Ingrid Daubechies.

Sylvie Durand (1996)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

The aim of this paper is the study of the convergence of algorithms involved in the resolution of two scale equations. They are fixed point algorithms, often called cascade algorithms, which are used in the construction of wavelets. We study their speed of convergence in Lebesgue and Besov spaces, and show that the quality of the convergence depends on two independent factors. The first one, as we could foresee, is the regularity of the scaling function which is the solution of the equation. The...

Currently displaying 341 – 360 of 497