Displaying 301 – 320 of 374

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An unconditionally stable finite element-finite volume pressure correction scheme for the drift-flux model

Laura Gastaldo, Raphaèle Herbin, Jean-Claude Latché (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We present in this paper a pressure correction scheme for the drift-flux model combining finite element and finite volume discretizations, which is shown to enjoy essential stability features of the continuous problem: the scheme is conservative, the unknowns are kept within their physical bounds and, in the homogeneous case (i.e. when the drift velocity vanishes), the discrete entropy of the system decreases; in addition, when using for the drift velocity a closure law which takes the form of...

An unconditionally stable pressure correction scheme for the compressible barotropic Navier-Stokes equations

Thierry Gallouët, Laura Gastaldo, Raphaele Herbin, Jean-Claude Latché (2008)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We present in this paper a pressure correction scheme for the barotropic compressible Navier-Stokes equations, which enjoys an unconditional stability property, in the sense that the energy and maximum-principle-based a priori estimates of the continuous problem also hold for the discrete solution. The stability proof is based on two independent results for general finite volume discretizations, both interesting for their own sake: the L2-stability of the discrete advection operator provided it...

An upwinding mixed finite element method for a mean field model of superconducting vortices

Zhiming Chen, Qiang Du (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this paper, we construct a combined upwinding and mixed finite element method for the numerical solution of a two-dimensional mean field model of superconducting vortices. An advantage of our method is that it works for any unstructured regular triangulation. A simple convergence analysis is given without resorting to the discrete maximum principle. Numerical examples are also presented.

An XFEM/DG approach for fluid-structure interaction problems with contact

Luca Formaggia, Federico Gatti, Stefano Zonca (2021)

Applications of Mathematics

In this work, we address the problem of fluid-structure interaction (FSI) with moving structures that may come into contact. We propose a penalization contact algorithm implemented in an unfitted numerical framework designed to treat large displacements. In the proposed method, the fluid mesh is fixed and the structure meshes are superimposed to it without any constraint on the conformity. Thanks to the Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM), we can treat discontinuities of the fluid solution on...

Analysis of a coupled BEM/FEM eigensolver for the hydroelastic vibrations problem

Mauricio A. Barrientos, Gabriel N. Gatica, Rodolfo Rodríguez, Marcela E. Torrejón (2004)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

A coupled finite/boundary element method to approximate the free vibration modes of an elastic structure containing an incompressible fluid is analyzed in this paper. The effect of the fluid is taken into account by means of one of the most usual procedures in engineering practice: an added mass formulation, which is posed in terms of boundary integral equations. Piecewise linear continuous elements are used to discretize the solid displacements and the fluid-solid interface variables. Spectral...

Analysis of a coupled BEM/FEM eigensolver for the hydroelastic vibrations problem

Mauricio A. Barrientos, Gabriel N. Gatica, Rodolfo Rodríguez, Marcela E. Torrejón (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

A coupled finite/boundary element method to approximate the free vibration modes of an elastic structure containing an incompressible fluid is analyzed in this paper. The effect of the fluid is taken into account by means of one of the most usual procedures in engineering practice: an added mass formulation, which is posed in terms of boundary integral equations. Piecewise linear continuous elements are used to discretize the solid displacements and the fluid-solid interface variables....

Analysis of a new augmented mixed finite element method for linear elasticity allowing ℝ𝕋 0 - 1 - 0 approximations

Gabriel N. Gatica (2006)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We present a new stabilized mixed finite element method for the linear elasticity problem in 2 . The approach is based on the introduction of Galerkin least-squares terms arising from the constitutive and equilibrium equations, and from the relation defining the rotation in terms of the displacement. We show that the resulting augmented variational formulation and the associated Galerkin scheme are well posed, and that the latter becomes locking-free and asymptotically locking-free for Dirichlet...

Analysis of a non-standard mixed finite element method with applications to superconvergence

Jan Brandts (2009)

Applications of Mathematics

We show that a non-standard mixed finite element method proposed by Barrios and Gatica in 2007, is a higher order perturbation of the least-squares mixed finite element method. Therefore, it is also superconvergent whenever the least-squares mixed finite element method is superconvergent. Superconvergence of the latter was earlier investigated by Brandts, Chen and Yang between 2004 and 2006. Since the new method leads to a non-symmetric system matrix, its application seems however more expensive...

Analysis of approximate solutions of coupled dynamical thermoelasticity and related problems

Jozef Kačur, Alexander Ženíšek (1986)

Aplikace matematiky

The authors study problems of existence and uniqueness of solutions of various variational formulations of the coupled problem of dynamical thermoelasticity and of the convergence of approximate solutions of these problems. First, the semidiscrete approximate solutions is defined, which is obtained by time discretization of the original variational problem by Euler’s backward formula. Under certain smoothness assumptions on the date authors prove existence and uniqueness of the solution and establish...

Currently displaying 301 – 320 of 374