Displaying 81 – 100 of 127

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Sulla legge di gravitazione universale. Nota I

Dionigi Galletto, Bruno Barberis (1984)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Without making recourse to Newton's law of gravitation and starting from the concept of gravitational force, the concepts of active gravitational mass and of passive gravitational mass are introduced. Furthermore it is proved that they can be identified and that in Newton's law of gravitation the linear dependence on masses necessarily follows from the principle of superposition of simultaneous forces and from Newton's third law of dynamics.

Superintegrable Potentials and superposition of Higgs Oscillators on the Sphere S²

Manuel F. Rañada, Teresa Sanz-Gil, Mariano Santander (2003)

Banach Center Publications

The spherical version of the two-dimensional central harmonic oscillator, as well as the spherical Kepler (Schrödinger) potential, are superintegrable systems with quadratic constants of motion. They belong to two different spherical "Smorodinski-Winternitz" families of superintegrable potentials. A new superintegrable oscillator have been recently found in S². It represents the spherical version of the nonisotropic 2:1 oscillator and it also belongs to a spherical family of quadratic superintegrable...

Supplementary balance laws for Cattaneo heat propagation

Serge Preston (2013)

Communications in Mathematics

In this work we determine for the Cattaneo heat propagation system all the supplementary balance laws (shortly SBL) of the same order (zero) as the system itself and extract the constitutive relations (expression for the internal energy) dictated by the Entropy Principle. The space of all supplementary balance laws (having the functional dimension 8) contains four original balance laws and their deformations depending on 4 functions of temperature ( λ 0 ( ϑ ) , K A ( ϑ ) , A = 1 , 2 , 3 ). The requirements of the II law of thermodynamics...

Supporting locomotive functions of a six-legged walking robot

Krzysztof Walas, Dominik Belter (2011)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This paper presents a method for building a foothold selection module as well as methods for the stability check for a multi-legged walking robot. The foothold selection decision maker is shaped automatically, without expert knowledge. The robot learns how to select appropriate footholds by walking on rough terrain or by testing ground primitives. The gathered knowledge is then used to find a relation between slippages and the obtained local shape of the terrain, which is further employed to assess...

Sur la topologie de l'espace des systèmes linéaires hamiltoniens anti symétriques accessibles

Phan Nguyen Huynh (1994)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Dans cet article nous donnons les formes normales des sytèmes linéaires hamiltoniens antisymétriques accessibles H A n , m , p . Nous construisons une stratification et une décomposition cellulaire analytique de H A n , m , p , puis nous prouvons que son groupe d’homotopie est isomorphe à celui d’une grassmanienne. Ensuite, nous démontrons que H A n , m , p est homotopiquement équivalent à l’espace des systèmes linéaires accessibles. En appliquant ces résultats topologiques, on peut prouver qu’il n’existe pas de paramétrisation continue...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 127