Displaying 101 – 120 of 127

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Sur le spectre semi-classique d’un système intégrable de dimension 1 autour d’une singularité hyperbolique

Olivier Lablée (2007/2008)

Séminaire de théorie spectrale et géométrie

Dans cet article on décrit le spectre semi-classique d’un opérateur de Schrödinger sur avec un potentiel type double puits. La description qu’on donne est celle du spectre autour du maximum local du potentiel. Dans la classification des singularités de l’application moment d’un système intégrable, le double puits représente le cas des singularités non-dégénérées de type hyperbolique.

Sur une métrique spéciale dans l'espace linéaire et les mouvements du Kepler

František Nožička (1988)

Aplikace matematiky

Dans un espace linéaire n -fois étendu on peut introduire à l’aide de deux fonctions une certaine métrique (les propriétés de ces fonctions étant précisées dans l’article présenté), les courbes géodésiques au sens de centre métrique sont par le système correspondant des équations différentielles d’ordre deux sous les conditions initiales globalement déterminées. Dans le cas n = 3 et pour une élection simple des fonctions considérées les sourbes géodésiques correspondent aux trajectories d’un point matériel...

Symbolic Dynamics in the Free-Fall Equal-Mass Three-Body Problem

Mylläri, Aleksandr, Martynova, Alija, Orlov, Victor, Chernin, Arthur (2007)

Serdica Journal of Computing

The paper has been presented at the 12th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra, Varna, Bulgaria, June, 2006Free-fall equal-mass three-body systems are numerically studied using symbolic dynamics. We scan the two-dimensional homology map of initial configurations in steps of 0.001 along both axes. States of binary and triple encounters as well as changes of configuration are used to construct symbolic sequences. Symbolic sequences are characterized by Shannon and Markov entropies....

Symmetries and currents in nonholonomic mechanics

Michal Čech, Jana Musilová (2014)

Communications in Mathematics

In this paper we derive general equations for constraint Noethertype symmetries of a first order non-holonomic mechanical system and the corresponding currents, i.e. functions constant along trajectories of the nonholonomic system. The approach is based on a consistent and effective geometrical theory of nonholonomic constrained systems on fibred manifolds and their jet prolongations, first presented and developed by Olga Rossi. As a representative example of application of the geometrical theory...

Symmetries in finite order variational sequences

Mauro Francaviglia, Marcella Palese, Raffaele Vitolo (2002)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We refer to Krupka’s variational sequence, i.e. the quotient of the de Rham sequence on a finite order jet space with respect to a ‘variationally trivial’ subsequence. Among the morphisms of the variational sequence there are the Euler-Lagrange operator and the Helmholtz operator. In this note we show that the Lie derivative operator passes to the quotient in the variational sequence. Then we define the variational Lie derivative as an operator on the sheaves of the variational sequence. Explicit...

Symmetries of a dynamical system represented by singular Lagrangians

Monika Havelková (2012)

Communications in Mathematics

Dynamical properties of singular Lagrangian systems differ from those of classical Lagrangians of the form L = T - V . Even less is known about symmetries and conservation laws of such Lagrangians and of their corresponding actions. In this article we study symmetries and conservation laws of a concrete singular Lagrangian system interesting in physics. We solve the problem of determining all point symmetries of the Lagrangian and of its Euler-Lagrange form, i.e. of the action. It is known that every point...

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 127