Displaying 101 – 120 of 137

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On the Singularities of the Newtonian two dimensional N-body Problem

Carlo Marchioro, Mario Pulvirenti (1983)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Si considera un sistema bidimensionale di N particelle interagenti tramite un potenziale di Newton o di Coulomb e si mostra che l’insieme delle condizioni iniziali che in un tempo finito possono condurre a delle singolarità possiede misura di Lebesgue nulla.

On the stability of Bravais lattices and their Cauchy–Born approximations

Thomas Hudson, Christoph Ortner (2012)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We investigate the stability of Bravais lattices and their Cauchy–Born approximations under periodic perturbations. We formulate a general interaction law and derive its Cauchy–Born continuum limit. We then analyze the atomistic and Cauchy–Born stability regions, that is, the sets of all matrices that describe a stable Bravais lattice in the atomistic and Cauchy–Born models respectively. Motivated by recent results in one dimension on the stability of atomistic/continuum coupling methods, we analyze...

On the stability of Bravais lattices and their Cauchy–Born approximations*

Thomas Hudson, Christoph Ortner (2011)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We investigate the stability of Bravais lattices and their Cauchy–Born approximations under periodic perturbations. We formulate a general interaction law and derive its Cauchy–Born continuum limit. We then analyze the atomistic and Cauchy–Born stability regions, that is, the sets of all matrices that describe a stable Bravais lattice in the atomistic and Cauchy–Born models respectively. Motivated by recent results in one dimension on the stability of atomistic/continuum coupling methods,...

On the state observation and stability for uncertain nonlinear systems

Mohamed Ali Hammami (2000)


In this paper, we treat the class of nonlinear uncertain dynamic systems that was considered in [3,2,1,4]. We consider continuous-time dynamical systems whose nominal part is linear and whose uncertain part is norm-bounded. We study the problems of state observation and obtaining stabilizing controller for uncertain nonlinear systems, where the uncertainties are characterized by known bounds.

On the zero-temperature or vanishing viscosity limit for certain Markov processes arising from Lagrangian dynamics

Nalini Anantharaman (2004)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We study the zero-temperature limit for Gibbs measures associated to Frenkel–Kontorova models on ( d ) / d . We prove that equilibrium states concentrate on configurations of minimal energy, and, in addition, must satisfy a variational principle involving metric entropy and Lyapunov exponents, a bit like in the Ruelle–Pesin inequality. Then we transpose the result to certain continuous-time stationary stochastic processes associated to the viscous Hamilton–Jacobi equation. As the viscosity vanishes, the...

On weak solutions to the Lagrange-d'Alembert equation

Dmitry Treschev, Oleg Zubelevich (2013)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We consider nonholonomic systems with collisions and propose a concept of weak solutions to Lagrange-d'Alembert equations. Using this concept we describe the dynamics of collisions. Collisions of a rotating ball and a rough floor are considered.

Optimal control problems with upper semicontinuous Hamiltonians

Arkadiusz Misztela (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

In this paper we give examples of value functions in Bolza problem that are not bilateral or viscosity solutions and an example of a smooth value function that is even not a classic solution (in particular, it can be neither the viscosity nor the bilateral solution) of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation with upper semicontinuous Hamiltonian. Good properties of value functions motivate us to introduce approximate solutions of equations with such type Hamiltonians. We show that the value function is...

Optimal investment under stochastic volatility and power type utility function

Benchaabane, Abbes, Benchettah, Azzedine (2011)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 37F21, 70H20, 37L40, 37C40, 91G80, 93E20.In this work we will study a problem of optimal investment in financial markets with stochastic volatility with small parameter. We used the averaging method of Bogoliubov for limited development for the optimal strategies when the small parameter of the model tends to zero and the limit for the optimal strategy and demonstrated the convergence of these optimal strategies.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 137