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Mathematical Problems in Engineering
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Applications of Mathematics
In this paper we present several nonlinear models of suspension bridges; most of them have been introduced by Lazer and McKenna. We discuss some results which were obtained by the authors and other mathematicians for the boundary value problems and initial boundary value problems. Our intention is to point out the character of these results and to show which mathematical methods were used to prove them instead of giving precise proofs and statements.
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Mathematical Problems in Engineering
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Mathematical Problems in Engineering
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Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico
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Applications of Mathematics
Most building materials can be characterized as quasi-brittle composites with a cementitious matrix, reinforced by some stiffening particles or elements. Their massive exploitation motivates the development of numerical modelling and simulation of behaviour of such material class under mechanical, thermal, etc. loads, including the evaluation of the risk of initiation and development of micro- and macro-fracture. This paper demonstrates the possibility of certain deterministic prediction, applying...
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Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics
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Aplikace matematiky
A direct proof of the non-polyconvexity of the stored energy function of a Saint Venant-Kirchhoff material is given by means of a simple counter-example.
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Annals of Mathematics. Second Series
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International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
We consider the limit behaviour of elastic shells when the relative thickness tends to zero. We address the case when the middle surface has principal curvatures of opposite signs and the boundary conditions ensure the geometrical rigidity. The limit problem is hyperbolic, but enjoys peculiarities which imply singularities of unusual intensity. We study these singularities and their propagation for several cases of loading, giving a somewhat complete description of the solution.
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Georgian Mathematical Journal
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Georgian Mathematical Journal
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Boundary Value Problems [electronic only]
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Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze