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The approximate Riemann solver of Roe applied to a drift-flux two-phase flow model

Tore Flåtten, Svend Tollak Munkejord (2006)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We construct a Roe-type numerical scheme for approximating the solutions of a drift-flux two-phase flow model. The model incorporates a set of highly complex closure laws, and the fluxes are generally not algebraic functions of the conserved variables. Hence, the classical approach of constructing a Roe solver by means of parameter vectors is unfeasible. Alternative approaches for analytically constructing the Roe solver are discussed, and a formulation of the Roe solver valid for general closure...

The blocking of an inhomogeneous Bingham fluid. Applications to landslides

Patrick Hild, Ioan R. Ionescu, Thomas Lachand-Robert, Ioan Roşca (2002)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

This work is concerned with the flow of a viscous plastic fluid. We choose a model of Bingham type taking into account inhomogeneous yield limit of the fluid, which is well-adapted in the description of landslides. After setting the general threedimensional problem, the blocking property is introduced. We then focus on necessary and sufficient conditions such that blocking of the fluid occurs. The anti-plane flow in twodimensional and onedimensional cases is considered. A variational formulation...

The blocking of an inhomogeneous Bingham fluid. Applications to landslides

Patrick Hild, Ioan R. Ionescu, Thomas Lachand-Robert, Ioan Roşca (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

This work is concerned with the flow of a viscous plastic fluid. We choose a model of Bingham type taking into account inhomogeneous yield limit of the fluid, which is well-adapted in the description of landslides. After setting the general threedimensional problem, the blocking property is introduced. We then focus on necessary and sufficient conditions such that blocking of the fluid occurs. The anti-plane flow in twodimensional and onedimensional cases is considered. A variational formulation...

The boundary regularity of a weak solution of the Navier-Stokes equation and its connection to the interior regularity of pressure

Jiří Neustupa (2003)

Applications of Mathematics

We assume that 𝕧 is a weak solution to the non-steady Navier-Stokes initial-boundary value problem that satisfies the strong energy inequality in its domain and the Prodi-Serrin integrability condition in the neighborhood of the boundary. We show the consequences for the regularity of 𝕧 near the boundary and the connection with the interior regularity of an associated pressure and the time derivative of 𝕧 .

The Cauchy problem for the homogeneous time-dependent Oseen system in 3 : spatial decay of the velocity

Paul Deuring (2013)

Mathematica Bohemica

We consider the homogeneous time-dependent Oseen system in the whole space 3 . The initial data is assumed to behave as O ( | x | - 1 - ϵ ) , and its gradient as O ( | x | - 3 / 2 - ϵ ) , when | x | tends to infinity, where ϵ is a fixed positive number. Then we show that the velocity u decays according to the equation | u ( x , t ) | = O ( | x | - 1 ) , and its spatial gradient x u decreases with the rate | x | - 3 / 2 , for | x | tending to infinity, uniformly with respect to the time variable t . Since these decay rates are optimal even in the stationary case, they should also be the best possible...

The Cauchy problem for the liquid crystals system in the critical Besov space with negative index

Sen Ming, Han Yang, Zili Chen, Ls Yong (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The local well-posedness for the Cauchy problem of the liquid crystals system in the critical Besov space B ˙ p , 1 n / p - 1 ( n ) × B ˙ p , 1 n / p ( n ) with n < p < 2 n is established by using the heat semigroup theory and the Littlewood-Paley theory. The global well-posedness for the system is obtained with small initial datum by using the fixed point theorem. The blow-up results for strong solutions to the system are also analysed.

The Cauchy problem for the magneto-hydrodynamic system

Marco Cannone, Changxing Miao, Nicolas Prioux, Baoquan Yuan (2006)

Banach Center Publications

We study the uniqueness and regularity of Leray-Hopf's weak solutions for the MHD equations with dissipation and resistance in different frameworks. Using different kinds of space-time estimates in conjunction with the Littlewood-Paley-Bony decomposition, we present some general criteria of uniqueness and regularity of weak solutions to the MHD system, and prove the uniqueness and regularity criterion in the framework of mixed space-time Besov spaces by applying Tao's trichotomy method.

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