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A diffuse interface fractional time-stepping technique for incompressible two-phase flows with moving contact lines

Abner J. Salgado (2013)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

For a two phase incompressible flow we consider a diffuse interface model aimed at addressing the movement of three-phase (fluid-fluid-solid) contact lines. The model consists of the Cahn Hilliard Navier Stokes system with a variant of the Navier slip boundary conditions. We show that this model possesses a natural energy law. For this system, a new numerical technique based on operator splitting and fractional time-stepping is proposed. The method is shown to be unconditionally stable. We present...

A Kinetic equation for granular media

Dario Benedetto, Emanuele Caglioti, Mario Pulvirenti (1999)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

A kinetic equation for granular media

Dario Benedetto, Emanuele Caglioti, Mario Pulvirenti (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this short note we correct a conceptual error in the heuristic derivation of a kinetic equation used for the description of a one-dimensional granular medium in the so called quasi-elastic limit, presented by the same authors in reference[1]. The equation we derived is however correct so that, the rigorous analysis on this equation, which constituted the main purpose of that paper, remains unchanged.

A Langevin Description for Driven Granular Gases

P. Maynar, M. I. García de Soria (2011)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

The study of the fluctuations in the steady state of a heated granular system is reviewed. A Boltzmann-Langevin description can be built requiring consistency with the equations for the one- and two-particle correlation functions. From the Boltzmann-Langevin equation, Langevin equations for the total energy and the transverse velocity field are derived. The existence of a fluctuation-dissipation relation for the transverse velocity field is also...

A mixed formulation of a sharp interface model of stokes flow with moving contact lines

Shawn W. Walker (2014)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Two-phase fluid flows on substrates (i.e. wetting phenomena) are important in many industrial processes, such as micro-fluidics and coating flows. These flows include additional physical effects that occur near moving (three-phase) contact lines. We present a new 2-D variational (saddle-point) formulation of a Stokesian fluid with surface tension that interacts with a rigid substrate. The model is derived by an Onsager type principle using shape differential calculus (at the sharp-interface, front-tracking...

A phase-field method applied to interface tracking for blood clot formation

Marek Čapek (2020)

Applications of Mathematics

The high shear rate thrombus formation was only recently recognized as another way of thrombosis. Models proposed in Weller (2008), (2010) take into account this type of thrombosis. This work uses the phase-field method to model these evolving interface problems. A loosely coupled iterative procedure is introduced to solve the coupled system of equations. Convergence behavior on two levels of refinement of perfusion chamber geometry and cylinder geometry is then studied. The perfusion chamber simulations...

A robust entropy−satisfying finite volume scheme for the isentropic Baer−Nunziato model

Frédéric Coquel, Jean-Marc Hérard, Khaled Saleh, Nicolas Seguin (2014)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We construct an approximate Riemann solver for the isentropic Baer−Nunziato two-phase flow model, that is able to cope with arbitrarily small values of the statistical phase fractions. The solver relies on a relaxation approximation of the model for which the Riemann problem is exactly solved for subsonic relative speeds. In an original manner, the Riemann solutions to the linearly degenerate relaxation system are allowed to dissipate the total energy in the vanishing phase regimes, thereby enforcing...

A Roe-type scheme for two-phase shallow granular flows over variable topography

Marica Pelanti, François Bouchut, Anne Mangeney (2008)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We study a depth-averaged model of gravity-driven flows made of solid grains and fluid, moving over variable basal surface. In particular, we are interested in applications to geophysical flows such as avalanches and debris flows, which typically contain both solid material and interstitial fluid. The model system consists of mass and momentum balance equations for the solid and fluid components, coupled together by both conservative and non-conservative terms involving the derivatives of the...

A second-order multi-fluid model for evaporating sprays

Guillaume Dufour, Philippe Villedieu (2005)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

The aim of this paper is to present a method using both the ideas of sectional approach and moment methods in order to accurately simulate evaporation phenomena in gas-droplets flows. Using the underlying kinetic interpretation of the sectional method [Y. Tambour, Combust. Flame 60 (1985) 15–28] exposed in [F. Laurent and M. Massot, Combust. Theory Model. 5 (2001) 537–572], we propose an extension of this approach based on a more accurate representation of the droplet size number density in each...

A second-order multi-fluid model for evaporating sprays

Guillaume Dufour, Philippe Villedieu (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The aim of this paper is to present a method using both the ideas of sectional approach and moment methods in order to accurately simulate evaporation phenomena in gas-droplets flows. Using the underlying kinetic interpretation of the sectional method [Y. Tambour, Combust. Flame60 (1985) 15–28] exposed in [F. Laurent and M. Massot, Combust. Theory Model.5 (2001) 537–572], we propose an extension of this approach based on a more accurate representation of the droplet size number density in each...

A two-fluid hyperbolic model in a porous medium

Laëtitia Girault, Jean-Marc Hérard (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The paper is devoted to the computation of two-phase flows in a porous medium when applying the two-fluid approach. The basic formulation is presented first, together with the main properties of the model. A few basic analytic solutions are then provided, some of them corresponding to solutions of the one-dimensional Riemann problem. Three distinct Finite-Volume schemes are then introduced. The first two schemes, which rely on the Rusanov scheme, are shown to give wrong approximations in some...

A uniqueness result for a model for mixtures in the absence of external forces and interaction momentum

Jens Frehse, Sonja Goj, Josef Málek (2005)

Applications of Mathematics

We consider a continuum model describing steady flows of a miscible mixture of two fluids. The densities ρ i of the fluids and their velocity fields u ( i ) are prescribed at infinity: ρ i | = ρ i > 0 , u ( i ) | = 0 . Neglecting the convective terms, we have proved earlier that weak solutions to such a reduced system exist. Here we establish a uniqueness type result: in the absence of the external forces and interaction terms, there is only one such solution, namely ρ i ρ i , u ( i ) 0 , i = 1 , 2 .

Air entrainment in transient flows in closed water pipes : A two-layer approach

C. Bourdarias, M. Ersoy, Stéphane Gerbi (2013)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

In this paper, we first construct a model for free surface flows that takes into account the air entrainment by a system of four partial differential equations. We derive it by taking averaged values of gas and fluid velocities on the cross surface flow in the Euler equations (incompressible for the fluid and compressible for the gas). The obtained system is conditionally hyperbolic. Then, we propose a mathematical kinetic interpretation of this system to finally construct a two-layer kinetic scheme...

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