Numerical solution of Boussinesq equations as a model of interfacial-wave propagation.
The paper deals with numerical solution of internal flow problems. It mentions a long tradition of mathematical modeling of internal flow, especially transonic flow at our department. Several models of flow based on potential equation, Euler equations, Navier-Stokes and Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations with proper closure are considered. Some mathematical and numerical properties of the model are mentioned and numerical results achieved by in-house developed methods are presented.
The Kiessl model of moisture and heat transfer in generally nonhomogeneous porous materials is analyzed. A weak formulation of the problem of propagation of the state parameters of this model, which are so-called moisture potential and temperature, is derived. An application of the method of discretization in time leads to a system of boundary-value problems for coupled pairs of nonlinear second order ODE’s. Some existence and regularity results for these problems are proved and an efficient numerical...
In this contribution, we present the problem of shape optimization of the plunger cooling which comes from the forming process in the glass industry. We look for a shape of the inner surface of the insulation barrier located in the plunger cavity so as to achieve a constant predetermined temperature on the outward surface of the plunger. A rotationally symmetric system, composed of the mould, the glass piece, the plunger, the insulation barrier and the plunger cavity, is considered. The state problem...
The paper studies mesh dependent numerical solution of groundwater problems with singularities, caused by boreholes represented as points, instead of a real radius. We show on examples, that the numerical solution of the borehole pumping problem with point source (singularity) can be related to the exact solution of a regular problem with adapted geometry of a finite borehole radius. The radius providing the fit is roughly proportional to the mesh step. Next we define a problem of fracture-rock...