Displaying 301 – 320 of 1850

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Application of the random field theory in PET imaging - injection dose optimization

Jiří Dvořák, Jiří Boldyš, Magdaléna Skopalová, Otakar Bělohlávek (2013)


This work presents new application of the random field theory in medical imaging. Results from both integral geometry and random field theory can be used to detect locations with significantly increased radiotracer uptake in images from positron emission tomography (PET). The assumptions needed to use these results are verified on a set of real and simulated phantom images. The proposed method of detecting activation (locations with increased radiotracer concentration) is used to quantify the quality...

Application of the Rasch model in categorical pedigree analysis using MCEM: I binary data

G. Qian, R. M. Huggins, D. Z. Loesch (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

An extension of the Rasch model with correlated latent variables is proposed to model correlated binary data within families. The latent variables have the classical correlation structure of Fisher (1918) and the model parameters thus have genetic interpretations. The proposed model is fitted to data using a hybrid of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and the MCEM modification of the EM-algorithm and is illustrated using genotype-phenotype data on a psychological subtest in families where some members...

Applications of topology to DNA

Isabel Darcy, De Sumners (1998)

Banach Center Publications

The following is an expository article meant to give a simplified introduction to applications of topology to DNA.

Approximate Aggregation Methods in Discrete Time Stochastic Population Models

L. Sanz, J. A. Alonso (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Approximate aggregation techniques consist of introducing certain approximations that allow one to reduce a complex system involving many coupled variables obtaining a simpler ʽʽaggregated systemʼʼ governed by a few variables. Moreover, they give results that allow one to extract information about the complex original system in terms of the behavior of the reduced one. Often, the feature that allows one to carry out such a reduction is the presence...

Approximate controllability by birth control for a nonlinear population dynamics model

Otared Kavian, Oumar Traoré (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper we analyse an approximate controllability result for a nonlinear population dynamics model. In this model the birth term is nonlocal and describes the recruitment process in newborn individuals population, and the control acts on a small open set of the domain and corresponds to an elimination or a supply of newborn individuals. In our proof we use a unique continuation property for the solution of the heat equation and the Kakutani-Fan-Glicksberg fixed point theorem.

Approximate controllability by birth control for a nonlinear population dynamics model

Otared Kavian, Oumar Traoré (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper we analyse an approximate controllability result for a nonlinear population dynamics model. In this model the birth term is nonlocal and describes the recruitment process in newborn individuals population, and the control acts on a small open set of the domain and corresponds to an elimination or a supply of newborn individuals. In our proof we use a unique continuation property for the solution of the heat equation and the Kakutani-Fan-Glicksberg fixed point theorem.

Approximating the Stability Region for a Differential Equation with a Distributed Delay

S. A. Campbell, R. Jessop (2009)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We discuss how distributed delays arise in biological models and review the literature on such models. We indicate why it is important to keep the distributions in a model as general as possible. We then demonstrate, through the analysis of a particular example, what kind of information can be gained with only minimal information about the exact distribution of delays. In particular we show that a distribution independent stability region may be obtained in a similar way that delay independent...

Around the Kato generation theorem for semigroups

Jacek Banasiak, Mirosław Lachowicz (2007)

Studia Mathematica

We show that the result of Kato on the existence of a semigroup solving the Kolmogorov system of equations in l₁ can be generalized to a larger class of the so-called Kantorovich-Banach spaces. We also present a number of related generation results that can be proved using positivity methods, as well as some examples.

Asymptotic analysis of blood flow in stented arteries: time dependency and direct simulations***

Vuk Milišić, Amélie Rambaud, Kirill Pichon Gostaf (2010)

ESAIM: Proceedings

This work aims to extend in two distinct directions results recently obtained in [10]. In a first step we focus on the possible extension of our results to the time dependent case. Whereas in the second part some preliminary numerical simulations aim to give orders of magnitudes in terms of numerical costs of direct 3D simulations. We consider, in the first part, the time dependent rough problem for a simplified heat equation in a straight channel that mimics the axial...

Currently displaying 301 – 320 of 1850