Displaying 21 – 40 of 161

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Mathematical Model of Blood Flow in an Anatomically Detailed Arterial Network of the Arm

Sansuke M. Watanabe, Pablo J. Blanco, Raúl A. Feijóo (2013)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

A distributed-parameter (one-dimensional) anatomically detailed model for the arterial network of the arm is developed in order to carry out hemodynamics simulations. This work focuses on the specific aspects related to the model set-up. In this regard, stringent anatomical and physiological considerations have been pursued in order to construct the arterial topology and to provide a systematic estimation of the involved parameters. The model comprises 108 arterial segments, with 64 main arteries...

Mathematical model of mixing in Rumen

Wiesław Szlenk (1996)

Applicationes Mathematicae

A mathematical model of mixing food in rumen is presented. The model is based on the idea of the Baker Transformation, but exhibits some different phenomena: the transformation does not mix points at all in some parts of the phase space (and under some conditions mixes them strongly in other parts), as observed in ruminant animals.

Mathematical model of tumour cord growth along the source of nutrient

S. Astanin, A. Tosin (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

A mathematical model of the tumour growth along a blood vessel is proposed. The model employs the mixture theory approach to describe a tissue which consists of cells, extracellular matrix and liquid. The growing tumour tissue is supposed to be surrounded by the host tissue. Tumours where complete oxydation of glucose prevails are considered. Special attention is paid to consistent description of oxygen consumption and growth processes based on the energy balance. A finite difference numerical...

Mathematical Modeling Describing the Effect of Fishing and Dispersion on Hermaphrodite Population Dynamics

S. Ben Miled, A. Kebir, M. L. Hbid (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

In order to study the impact of fishing on a grouper population, we propose in this paper to model the dynamics of a grouper population in a fishing territory by using structured models. For that purpose, we have integrated the natural population growth, the fishing, the competition for shelter and the dispersion. The dispersion was considered as a consequence of the competition. First we prove, that the grouper stocks may be less sensitive to the...

Mathematical Modeling for Studying Microbial Processes – Some Examples

Beschkov, V, Sapundzhiev, T, Petrov, K, Vasileva, E (2010)

Serdica Journal of Computing

Mathematical modeling may have different purposes in chemical and biochemical engineering sciences. One of them is to confirm or to reject kinetic models for certain processes, or to evaluate the importance of some transport phenomena on the net chemical or biochemical reaction rate. In the present paper different microbial processes are considered and modeled for evaluation of kinetic constants for batch and continuous processes accomplished by free and immobilized microbial cells. The practical...

Mathematical modeling of antigenicity for HIV dynamics

François Dubois, Hervé V.J. Le Meur, Claude Reiss (2010)

MathematicS In Action

This contribution is devoted to a new model of HIV multiplication motivated by the patent of one of the authors. We take into account the antigenic diversity through what we define “antigenicity”, whether of the virus or of the adapted lymphocytes. We model the interaction of the immune system and the viral strains by two processes. On the one hand, the presence of a given viral quasi-species generates antigenically adapted lymphocytes. On the other hand, the lymphocytes kill only viruses for which...

Mathematical Modeling of Leukemogenesis and Cancer Stem Cell Dynamics

T. Stiehl, A. Marciniak-Czochra (2012)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

The cancer stem cell hypothesis has evolved to one of the most important paradigms in biomedical research. During recent years evidence has been accumulating for the existence of stem cell-like populations in different cancers, especially in leukemias. In the current work we propose a mathematical model of cancer stem cell dynamics in leukemias. We apply the model to compare cellular properties of leukemic stem cells to those of their benign counterparts....

Mathematical modeling of the competition between acquired immunity and cancer

Mikhail Kolev (2003)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In this paper we propose and analyse a model of the competition between cancer and the acquired immune system. The model is a system of integro-differential bilinear equations. The role of the humoral response is analyzed. The simulations are related to the immunotherapy of tumors with antibodies.

Mathematical Modelling of Cancer Stem Cells Population Behavior

E. Beretta, V. Capasso, N. Morozova (2012)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Recent discovery of cancer stem cells in tumorigenic tissues has raised many questions about their nature, origin, function and their behavior in cell culture. Most of current experiments reporting a dynamics of cancer stem cell populations in culture show the eventual stability of the percentages of these cell populations in the whole population of cancer cells, independently of the starting conditions. In this paper we propose a mathematical model...

Mathematical modelling of molecule evolution in protocells

Dariusz Myszor, Krzysztof A. Cyran (2013)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In this article, we analyse the process of the emergence of RNA polynucleotides located in an enclosed environment, at an early stage of the RNA world. Therefore we prepared a mathematical model, composed of a set of differential equations, which simulates the behaviour of an early biological system bounded by a protocell membrane. There is evidence that enclosed environments were available on the primordial Earth. There are also experimental proofs that RNA strands can develop in these formations....

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 161