Displaying 701 – 720 of 1850

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Fractional virus epidemic model on financial networks

Mehmet Ali Balci (2016)

Open Mathematics

In this study, we present an epidemic model that characterizes the behavior of a financial network of globally operating stock markets. Since the long time series have a global memory effect, we represent our model by using the fractional calculus. This model operates on a network, where vertices are the stock markets and edges are constructed by the correlation distances. Thereafter, we find an analytical solution to commensurate system and use the well-known differential transform method to obtain...

Fragmentation-Coagulation Models of Phytoplankton

Ryszard Rudnicki, Radosław Wieczorek (2006)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We present two new models of the dynamics of phytoplankton aggregates. The first one is an individual-based model. Passing to infinity with the number of individuals, we obtain an Eulerian model. This model describes the evolution of the density of the spatial-mass distribution of aggregates. We show the existence and uniqueness of solutions of the evolution equation.

Free boundary problems arising in tumor models

Avner Friedman (2004)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

We consider several simple models of tumor growth, described by systems of PDEs, and describe results on existence of solutions and on their asymptotic behavior. The boundary of the tumor region is a free boundary. In §1 the model assumes three types of cells, proliferating, quiescent and necrotic, and the corresponding PDE system consists of elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic equations. The model in §2 assumes that the tumor has only proliferating cells. Finally in §3 we consider a model for treatment...

Free Boundary Problems Associated with Multiscale Tumor Models

A. Friedman (2009)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

The present paper introduces a tumor model with two time scales, the time t during which the tumor grows and the cycle time of individual cells. The model also includes the effects of gene mutations on the population density of the tumor cells. The model is formulated as a free boundary problem for a coupled system of elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic equations within the tumor region, with nonlinear and nonlocal terms. Existence and uniqueness theorems are proved, and properties of the free boundary...

From Bistability to Coupling-Induced Oscillations in a Two-Habitat Model for the Rotifer Population Dynamics

A. B. Medvinsky, M. M. Gonik, A. V. Rusakov, H. Malchow (2008)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We study the role of interactions between habitats in rotifer dynamics. For this purpose we use a modified version of the Consensus model. The Consensus model has been shown to be realistic enough to reproduce distinguishing features of the rotifer species dynamics. Being uncoupled, intrinsically bistable rotifer populations, which inhabit the regions under different environmental conditions, do not impact each other. We show that migration of the rotifers between the habitats leads to the transformation...

From convergence of operator semigroups to gene expression, and back again

Adam Bobrowski (2008)

Banach Center Publications

The subject of the paper is reciprocal influence of pure mathematics and applied sciences. We illustrate the idea by giving a review of mathematical results obtained recently, related to the model of stochastic gene expression due to Lipniacki et al. [38]. In this model, featuring mRNA and protein levels, and gene activity, the stochastic part of processes involved in gene expression is distinguished from the part that seems to be mostly deterministic, and the dynamics is expressed by means of a...

From Quasispecies Theory to Viral Quasispecies: How Complexity has Permeated Virology

E. Domingo, C. Perales (2012)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

RNA viruses replicate as complex and dynamic mutant distributions. They are termed viral quasispecies, in recognition of the fundamental contribution of quasispecies theory in our understanding of error-prone replicative entities. Viral quasispecies have launched a fertile field of transdiciplinary research, both experimental and theoretical. Here we review the origin and some implications of the quasispecies concept, with emphasis on internal interactions...

Fully implicit ADI schemes for solving the nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann equation

Weihua Geng, Shan Zhao (2013)

Molecular Based Mathematical Biology

The Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) model is an effective approach for the electrostatics analysis of solvated biomolecules. The nonlinearity associated with the PB equation is critical when the underlying electrostatic potential is strong, but is extremely difficult to solve numerically. In this paper, we construct two operator splitting alternating direction implicit (ADI) schemes to efficiently and stably solve the nonlinear PB equation in a pseudo-transient continuation approach. The operator splitting...

Fusion based analysis of ophthalmologic image data

Jiří Jan, Radim Kolář, Libor Kubečka, Jan Odstrčilík, Jiří Gazárek (2011)


The paper presents an overview of image analysis activities of the Brno DAR group in the medical application area of retinal imaging. Particularly, illumination correction and SNR enhancement by registered averaging as preprocessing steps are briefly described; further mono- and multimodal registration methods developed for specific types of ophthalmological images, and methods for segmentation of optical disc, retinal vessel tree and autofluorescence areas are presented. Finally, the designed methods...

Genealogies of regular exchangeable coalescents with applications to sampling

Vlada Limic (2012)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

This article considers a model of genealogy corresponding to a regular exchangeable coalescent (also known as 𝛯 -coalescent) started from a large finite configuration, and undergoing neutral mutations. Asymptotic expressions for the number of active lineages were obtained by the author in a previous work. Analogous results for the number of active mutation-free lineages and the combined lineage lengths are derived using the same martingale-based technique. They are given in terms of convergence in...

General Laws of Adaptation to Environmental Factors: from Ecological Stress to Financial Crisis

A. N. Gorban, E. V. Smirnova, T. A. Tyukina (2009)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We study ensembles of similar systems under load of environmental factors. The phenomenon of adaptation has similar properties for systems of different nature. Typically, when the load increases above some threshold, then the adapting systems become more different (variance increases), but the correlation increases too. If the stress continues to increase then the second threshold appears: the correlation achieves maximal value, and start to decrease, but the variance continue to increase. In many...

Generalised filtering.

Friston, Karl, Stephan, Klaas, Li, Baojuan, Daunizeau, Jean (2010)

Mathematical Problems in Engineering

Generalization of the Kermack-McKendrick SIR Model to a Patchy Environment for a Disease with Latency

J. Li, X. Zou (2009)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

In this paper, with the assumptions that an infectious disease has a fixed latent period in a population and the latent individuals of the population may disperse, we reformulate an SIR model for the population living in two patches (cities, towns, or countries etc.), which is a generalization of the classic Kermack-McKendrick SIR model. The model is given by a system of delay differential equations with a fixed delay accounting for the latency and non-local terms caused by the mobility of the...

Generation of Interface for an Allen-Cahn Equation with Nonlinear Diffusion

M. Alfaro, D. Hilhorst (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

In this note, we consider a nonlinear diffusion equation with a bistable reaction term arising in population dynamics. Given a rather general initial data, we investigate its behavior for small times as the reaction coefficient tends to infinity: we prove a generation of interface property.

Currently displaying 701 – 720 of 1850