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Self-bounded controlled invariant subspaces in measurable signal decoupling with stability: minimal-order feedforward solution

Elena Zattoni (2005)


The structural properties of self-bounded controlled invariant subspaces are fundamental to the synthesis of a dynamic feedforward compensator achieving insensitivity of the controlled output to a disturbance input accessible for measurement, on the assumption that the system is stable or pre-stabilized by an inner feedback. The control system herein devised has several important features: i) minimum order of the feedforward compensator; ii) minimum number of unassignable dynamics internal to the...

Similarity transformation of matrices to one common canonical form and its applications to 2D linear systems

Tadeusz Kaczorek (2010)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The notion of a common canonical form for a sequence of square matrices is introduced. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a similarity transformation reducing the sequence of matrices to the common canonical form are established. It is shown that (i) using a suitable state vector linear transformation it is possible to decompose a linear 2D system into two linear 2D subsystems such that the dynamics of the second subsystem are independent of those of the first one, (ii) the...

Simple conditions for practical stability of positive fractional discrete-time linear systems

Mikołaj Busłowicz, Tadeusz Kaczorek (2009)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In the paper the problem of practical stability of linear positive discrete-time systems of fractional order is addressed. New simple necessary and sufficient conditions for practical stability and for practical stability independent of the length of practical implementation are established. It is shown that practical stability of the system is equivalent to asymptotic stability of the corresponding standard positive discrete-time systems of the same order. The discussion is illustrated with numerical...

Singular fractional linear systems and electrical circuits

Tadeusz Kaczorek (2011)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

A new class of singular fractional linear systems and electrical circuits is introduced. Using the Caputo definition of the fractional derivative, the Weierstrass regular pencil decomposition and the Laplace transformation, the solution to the state equation of singular fractional linear systems is derived. It is shown that every electrical circuit is a singular fractional system if it contains at least one mesh consisting of branches only with an ideal supercapacitor and voltage sources or at least...

Sixty years of cybernetics: a comparison of approaches to solving the H 2 control problem

Vladimír Kučera (2008)


The H2 control problem consists of stabilizing a control system while minimizing the H2 norm of its transfer function. Several solutions to this problem are available. For systems in state space form, an optimal regulator can be obtained by solving two algebraic Riccati equations. For systems described by transfer functions, either Wiener-Hopf optimization or projection results can be applied. The optimal regulator is then obtained using operations with proper stable rational matrices: inner-outer...

Sliding subspace design based on linear matrix inequalities

Alán Tapia, Raymundo Márquez, Miguel Bernal, Joaquín Cortez (2014)


In this work, an alternative for sliding surface design based on linear and bilinear matrix inequalities is proposed. The methodology applies for reduced and integral sliding mode control, both continuous- and discrete-time; it takes advantage of the Finsler's lemma to provide a greater degree of freedom than existing approaches for sliding subspace design. The sliding surfaces thus constructed are systematically found via convex optimization techniques, which are efficiently implemented in commercially...

Some remarks on matrix pencil completion problems

Jean-Jacques Loiseau, Petr Zagalak, Sabine Mondié (2004)


The matrix pencil completion problem introduced in [J. J. Loiseau, S. Mondié, I. Zaballa, and P. Zagalak: Assigning the Kronecker invariants to a matrix pencil by row or column completions. Linear Algebra Appl. 278 (1998)] is reconsidered and the latest results achieved in that field are discussed.

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